Department of Practice and Theory of translation
Head of the department is Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor S.S. Takhtarova.
Department of Theory and Practice of Translation was founded on September 1, 2013 and it is one of the structural units of Translation and World Cultural Heritage Department.
Objectives of the Department:
- Organization of educational process, considering basic training requirements in the specialty 031200.65 “Translation and Translation studies”, direction 45.03.02 “Linguistics”, master's degree course 45.04.02 “Theory of Translation. Cross-cultural and inter-language
- Training highly qualified translators with the knowledge of English and German languages;
- Teachers' professional development in scientific and educational-methodical work
One of the Department's activities is to coordinate the work of German Teachers' Association in the Republic of Tatarstan. At present the Association in the Republic of Tatarstan is a structural subdivision of the Interregional German Teachers' Association, which was established on November 23, 2014 in the framework of the second National Forum of teachers and lecturers of German in Russia.
The founders included 13 regional unions and associations of teachers and lecturers of German. The German Teachers' Association in the Republic of Tatarstan, being a member of the International Union of teachers and lecturers of German, supports successful and effective language teaching, as well as holding the city festivals and competitions in foreign languages, on a regular basis it conducts school Olympiads in the German language (among 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 grades). Associate Professors of the Department, - A.N. Zaripova, T.Ya. Zaglyadkina, S.S. Takhtarova, G.G. Haymova, L.G.Yusupova, being members of the German Teachers' Association in the Republic of Tatarstan, take an active part in holding the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in German, as well as in training to prepare students to participate in the final stage of the All-Russian German Olympiad.
Department of Theory and Practice of Translation cooperates closely with the German cultural Goethe centre in Moscow. During its short history lecturers of the Department have been conducting various educational-methodical and consulting activities: The All-Russian Seminar for German Teachers (August 2013), the exhibition “Germany in a suitcase” (March 2014), Summer Academy Sommerakademie (June 2014).
Teachers of the Department actively cooperate with the established in the KFU Examination Centre for exams in the German language in accordance with the European Standard. The German teachers participate in scholarship and training programmes of the German cultural Goethe centre and DAAD.
At present the work on establishing a joint Master's programme, focused on effective German language teaching is carried out.
From September 2014 the Department has been training by the network Master's programme “Theory of Translation. Cross-cultural and interlanguage communication“
The Head of the Master's programme is Ph.D. in Philology, the Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, S.S. Takhtarova.
The Department has postgraduate studies in the scientific direction 10. 02.19., Language Theory. The Head is Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor S.S. Takhtarova.