3rd International Conference 'Human Psychology of States: Pertinent Theoretical and Applied Problems'
09 November 2018

3rd International Conference 'Human Psychology of States: Pertinent Theoretical and Applied Problems'

3rd International Conference 'Human Psychology of States: Pertinent Theoretical and Applied Problems' ,IPE, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow State University, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Foundation for Basic Research
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  • 3rd International Conference 'Human Psychology of States: Pertinent Theoretical and Applied Problems'
  • 3rd International Conference 'Human Psychology of States: Pertinent Theoretical and Applied Problems'
  • 3rd International Conference 'Human Psychology of States: Pertinent Theoretical and Applied Problems'
  • 3rd International Conference 'Human Psychology of States: Pertinent Theoretical and Applied Problems'
  • 3rd International Conference 'Human Psychology of States: Pertinent Theoretical and Applied Problems'
  • 3rd International Conference 'Human Psychology of States: Pertinent Theoretical and Applied Problems'

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