Reproduction of plants and mushrooms – a basis of a diversity of a vegetative integument in the east of the European Russia
Reproduction is the fundamental property of alive organisms providing a continuity and continuity of life. Research of reproduction of plants is traditionally conducted within the limits of various botanic disciplines, from the different points of view and with application of various approaches and methods. Similar researches combine recently within the limits of a uniform direction on studying of systems of reproduction of plants and mushrooms. Questions of a diversity and evolution of systems of reproduction are the most actual, and, at the same time, the least developed. Reproduction systems - set of all phylums and reproduction means – are the basic subject of researches within the limits of the declared theme.
Full-scale research of a diversity of systems of reproduction of plants is supposed to be made on a series example taxa angiosperm plants (family Ranunculaceae, Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, Boraginaceae and some other). Is scheduled to establish the causes of a various interrelation of different phylums of reproduction in reproduction system of taxon, to position laws of their evolution at angiosperm plants. The role sexual, sexless and a vegetative propagation in maintenance of a diversity of a vegetative integument will be found out as well on an example of the sporous.
Significant attention is supposed to give to research of systems of reproduction of the rare Russian Federations included in the Red data book and regional lists of rare plants and mushrooms, taxa for specification of the causes of a rarity and development of recommendations about restoration of their number. Research of systems of reproduction of feral relatives of cultivated plants can promote a solution of a problem of increase of efficiency of the last (for example, buckwheats).