- Baibakov E.I., Sitnykov A.P. Mereshkowsky Konstantin Sergeevich // Encyclopedia of Tatarstan: In 6 vol. – Kazan, 2008. – Vol. 4. – P. 140. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P. Comparative embryology of the Flowering plants low rank taxa on the example of the Polygonaceae Juss. // Embryology, genetics and biotechnology. – Saratov, 2009. - P. 91-94. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P. Embryology of plants and systematics. Comparative embryology of Buckwheat family: Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach and Atraphaxis frutescens (L.) C. Koch. – Kazan: Kazan State University, 2009. 40 p. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P. Reproductive biology of Angiosperms: Buckwheat family // Abstracts of the 13th annual Symposium for Biology Students of Europe “SymBioSE 2009” “Biology: Expansion of Borders” (Kazan, 30 July – 8 August 2009). – Kazan: Kazan State University, 2009. – P. 30.
- Sitnykov A.P. Biological flora of the Marine Biological Station KSU environs. 1. Bistorta vivipara (L.) S.F. Gray (Polygonaceae Juss.). – Kazan: Kazan State University, 2009. 80 p. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P., Grakhantseva L. Sh. In memoriam: Anatolii Grigorjevich Smirnov (11 XII 1935-30 III 2009) // Bot. Journ. (SPb). - 2010. - V. 95 (2). - P. 273-276. (In Russian).
- Bakin O.V., Sitnykov A.P. A.K. Bekker’s collection of flowering plants in the Kazan State University Herbarium (KAZ) // First International Bekker’s readings (May 27-29, 2010). Volgograd: Volgograd University publishing house, 2010. – Part 1. – P. 9-11. (In Russian).
- Kadirova L., Sitnykov A. Reproductive biology of buckwheat // Advances in buckwheat research. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Buckwheat (July 19-23, 2010, Orel, Russia). – Orel: Kartush, 2010. – P. 331-339.
- Sitnykov A.P. To reproductive biology of Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach (Polygonaceae) in Tatarstan republic // Proceedings of the I (VII) International Conference on Aquatic Macrophytes “Hydrobotany 2010” (Borok, October 09-13, 2010). Yaroslavl: «Print House», 2010. P. 277-279. (In Russian).
- Prokhorenko N.B., Nugmanova A.I., Sitnykov A.P. Plant cover of suburban zone of Almet’evsk city (Tatarstan) // Siberian plant cover investigation problems: Proceedings of the IVth International scientific conference, dedicated to 125th anniversary of P.N. Krylov’s Herbarium of Tomsk University and 160th anniversary of P.N. Krylov (Tomsk, November 1-3, 2010). – Tomsk: Tomsk University publishing house, 2010. – P. 125-127. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P. To reproductive biology of Polygonum arenastrum Boreau (Polygonaceae) // Botanical Notes. - 2010. #1. P. 3-6. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P., Belechov A. Materials on the flora of Naberejnie Chelny city and its environs // Botanical Notes. – 2010. #1. P. 21-24. (In Russian).
- Chaliullina L.Ju., Sitnykov A.P. Methodical recommendations and letting-out standards in botany Kazan: Kazan Federal University, 2011. 40 p. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P. Botany [Electronic resource] // Electronic educational environment of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University [2011]. URL: (In Russian).
- Osipov G.E., Osipova Z.A., Sitnykov A.P. Intraspecific variation in plum (Prunus domestica L.) bread in Tartar NIISH // Agronomy science. – 2011. – #3. – P. 16-18. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P. Plant embryology [Electronic resource] // Electronic educational environment of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University [2011]. URL: (In Russian).
- Dobretsova T. N., Sitnykov A.P. To the 150-th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Korzhinskii (Kazan period) // Botanical Notes. – 2011. #2. P. 4-6. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P. Comparative investigation of the anther of two Persicaria Mill. species (Polygonaceae): sporogenous tissue and microsporogenesis // Botanical Notes. – 2011. #2. P. 10-12. (In Russian).
- Prokhorenko N. B., Saphyullina N. I. Structure of Chamaecytisus ruthenicus (Fisch. ex Woloszcz.) Klaskova (Fabaceae) coenopopulations on the north-west of Tatarstan // Botanical Notes. – 2011. #2. P. 17-21. (In Russian).
- Bakin O.V., Sitnykov A.P. To investigation of Tatarstan flora halophytes // Botanical Notes. – 2011. #2. P. 25-29. (In Russian).
- Dubrovnaya S. A. Above-ground shoot morphological variability in Trientalis europaea L. (Primulaceae) // Botanical Notes. – 2012. #3. P. 3-4. (In Russian).
- Iskakova A.A., Soboleva L.S., Dobretsova T.N. Inula helenium L. (Asteraceae) coenopopulations in Tatarstan: distribution and status // Botanical Notes. – 2012. #3. P. 5-9. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P. Seed productivity evaluation of Persicaria minor (Huds.) Opiz (Polygonaceae) // Botanical Notes. – 2012. #3. P. 9-12. (In Russian).
- Sitnykov A.P., Fedorova K.S. To reproductive biology of Polygonum boreale (Lange) Small // Embryology, genetics and biotechnology. – Perm, 2012. - P. 91-94. (In Russian).
- Lyubarsky E.L., Sitnykov A.P. Sergey Ivanovich Korzhinsky: On the 150th anniversary (26.08 (07.09) 1861—18.11 (01.12) 1900) // Bot. Journ. (SPb). - 2013. - V. 98 (1). - P. 107-113. (In Russian).