Shakirov Yevgeniy Vitalievich. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Shakirov Yevgeniy Vitalievich
Field of Science
Scientific interests 

Genetic bases of cell homeostasis, understanding of genes involved in telomere length variation in natural populations to gain important insights into the molecular basis for different rates of aging among individuals and predisposition to aging-associated diseases.

Bacterial phytases, plant phosphorus metabolism.

Natural variation, quantitative biology.

Mechanisms of eukaryotic chromosome maintenance.

Molecular co-evolution of telomere complex components.

Comparative and functional genomics, next-generation sequencing.

Plant-Microbial interactions.

Plant biotechnology, soil remediation,

Work address: 9 Parizhskoy Kommuny Str., Kazan, Academic and Research Centre of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
Google scholar:
 6 years 6 months   from 02.06.2014
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 10 years 1 months   from 02.06.2014
General experience:
 14 years 3 months   from 15.04.2010
Experience in KFU:
 10 years 1 months   from 02.06.2014