Short description of important scientific result: Our study demonstrates the existence of an endogenous mechanism for the regulation of synaptic AChE activity. At the rat extensor digitorum longus neuromuscular junction, activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors by combined application of glutamate and glycine led to enhancement of nitric oxide (NO) production, resulting in partial AChE inhibition. endogenous glutamate, released into the synaptic cleft as a co-mediator of acetylcholine, is capable of triggering the NMDA receptor/NO synthase-mediated pathway that modulates synaptic AChE activity. Therefore, in addition to well-established modes of synaptic plasticity, another mechanism exists based on the prompt regulation of AChE activity. NO molecules depress AChE activity in the neuromuscular junction thereby enhancing endplate current amplitude. Endogenous glutamate, released into the synaptic cleft is capable of triggering the NMDA receptor-/NO synthase-mediated pathway that modulates synaptic AChE activity.