23.04.2018-14.05.2018 Training on the topic "Medical and biological bases of life safety" 72h. (NP "European business school MBA-center", Smolensk, Russia)
04.04.2015-25.04.2015 professional advancement (Kazan Federal University)
01.01.2012-30.09.2012 "Preparation and use of pedagogical tests in teaching biology" 72h. (Pedagogical University "the First of September" Moscow)
01.01.2012-30.09.2012 "Preparation and use of pedagogical tests in teaching biology" 72h. (Pedagogical University "September" ,Moscow)
01.10.2007-11.10.2007 "Modern biology" 72h (VPO "Kazan state University named V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin", Kazan)