Ignateva Oksana Anatolevna. Общие сведения. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Ignateva Oksana Anatolevna


Ignat`yeva Oksana Anatol`yevna was born on the third of January 1972 in Kazan in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Since 1979 to 1989 studied at school № 121.

In 1989 entered the Kazan Aviation Institute on the Faculty "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science" where studied until 1991.

Since 1991 when I was second year student changed Kazan Aviation Institute to the Kazan Finance and Economics Institute (KFEI), where studied on the faculty of "Planning of National Economy"

In 1996 graduated KFEI with an "Economic Theory" degree.

Since 1996 worked an assistant on the Department of Economic Theory.

In 1997 graduated training courses on economic theory (microeconomics) in KAI, a subsidiary of Advanced Training Institute in St. Petersburg.

In 1999 started postgraduate study on the Department of Economic Theory under the direction of Doctor of Economics, Professor Andreev. I was a part time student there.

In 2003 became Candidate of Economic Sciences. My topic was "Socio-economic content of the formation of incomes of the population in the Russian economy"

In 2007 became a senior lecturer on the Department of Economic Theory

In 2008 took refresher courses at KSFEI on game theory and economic behavior based on Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

In 2009 took place on the short-term training for Information Technologies in Education. I have a certificate.

In 2010 became assistant professor of economy WAC.

I`m the author over 100 publications including 10 student book, 10 articles WAC, 4 monographs, 3 articles of Scopus.

I took place in numerous international and national conferences. Also I took place in since works and grant competitions.

I actively collaborate with students. I`m scientific adviser for students who prepare their articles on student conferences and forums.

The topic of my scientific work "The Social and economic content of the formation of incomes of the population as an element of social policy in Russia."

The most significant publications of Ignat`yeva OA: monographs, articles in Scopus journals, Web of Science, articles in journals RISC.

1. Place and role of social policy in the welfare of the population: the regional dimension (monograph). Kazan: RIP "School", 2009.- 176 p.

2. Ignat`yeva OA. Features of the investment climate in Russia at the present time. (Article WAC) / Electronic WAC-magazine "Modern studies of social problems" /. 2012g.- №1.0.8 pp

3. Ignat`yeva OA, Bildanov A.G The effect of demographic situation in Russia on the economic development of the country (Article WAC) / Kazan Economic Bulletin. - 2013.- № 1 (3) ./ 0.8 pp

4. Ignat`yeva OA, Kirilov LG Financial instruments for the development of small business in Tatarstan. / Actual questions of development of the financial sphere countries and regions: proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. 13 April 2013. The Republic of Dagestan Makhachkala - GAOU VPO Dagestan State Institute of National Economy, 2013 / 0.7 pp

5. Ignat`yeva OA Features of management of educational process in state high school (Article WAC) / Kazan pedagogical journal №5 (October) 2013 / 0.6 pp

6 Ignat`yeva OA, Bildanov AG The problem of the information component of the uncertainty of the economic environment as a feature of the national market. / V International scientific conference "State and Market: mechanisms of interaction in the context of global instability and economic systems" October 8-11, 2014, St. Petersburg / 0.8 pp

7. Ignat`yeva OA, Gotsulyak IF, Latypov AM Interaction of the state and the market in the public sector (monograph). / Publisher PEI WEI "Academy of Social Education", 2014. / 7.0 pp

8. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF UBLIC GOODS GUARDIANSHIP. GotsulyakI.F.a, IgnatjevaO.A.b. a b Kazan Federal University, Russia. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 24, November 2014 27.

Work address: 4 Butlerova Str., Kazan, Building #20, unit A
Office number: 503
Phone: (843) 2911-370
E-mail: Oksana.Ignateva@kpfu.ru
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&user=YBvLyP8AAAAJ
Google+: https://e.mail.ru/message/14718605970000000410/
Youtube: https://youtu.be/wtCJz_qH5as
Youtube: https://youtu.be/SGCTHm6I7WE
Youtube: https://youtu.be/vTUwn5QxaQo
 27 years 8 months   from 02.09.1996
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 27 years 8 months   from 02.09.1996
General experience:
 33 years 11 months   from 30.07.1990
Experience in KFU:
 32 years 9 months   from 23.09.1991