International scientific conference XXXIX Fortov International Conference
on Equations of State for Matter (ELBRUS 2024)
ELBRUS Kabardino-Balkarsky state university
01.03.2024 - 06.03.2024
Название доклада
The task of studying lunar mascons based on high-resolution orbital photogrammetry
To test the proposed algorithm, authors used images from the metric camera of the ?Apollo-15,-17? spacecraft at the time of the passage of craft over two young impact craters with diameters of 130 and 180 km. The report presents the first results obtained on two orbits, an analysis of our measuremen
International scientific conference XXXIX Fortov International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (ELBRUS 2024) пос.Эльбрус, КБР Кабардино-Балкарский гос. ун-т 01.03.2024 - 06.03.2024
ELBRUS Kabardino-Balkarsky state university
01.03.2024 - 06.03.2024
Название доклада
Shock-wave processes on the Moon on the example of the Aitken crater
An attempt was made to analyze the structure of individual elements of the crater relief from the point of view of its evolution after the completion of the main crater-forming event (MCFE).
International scientific congress 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics
21.07.2024 - 26.07.2024
Название доклада
Michael Shpekin and Ricardo Ferreyra
The classic idea of impact craters is that all craters are divided into two groups: simple and complex.
However, the achievements of orbital observations in recent years have made it possible to detect craters
that do not belong to these two groups.
International scientific conference XXXVIII Fortov International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter (ELBRUS 2023)
Municipal formation ?Elbrus" JIHT(IHED) RAS
01.03.2023 - 06.03.2023
Название доклада
Shpekin M.I. (KFU, Kazan, Russia), Arkhipova A.A., Study of the state of matter in lunar impact craters based on high-resolution orbital photogrammetry
The report presents specific examples of examining the structure of impact craters from high-resolution images to study the state of matter in these craters. The selection of craters, preparation of images for analysis, measuring properties of images and methods of orbital photogrammetry used for th
International scientific symposium THE FOURTEENTH MOSCOW SOLAR SYSTEM SYMPOSIUM 14M-S3
09.10.2023 - 13.10.2023
Название доклада
Situation in the Lunar Sky in the Landing Area of the Russian Luna-25 Station from August 2023 to August 2024
The authors' calculations for the apparent motion of celestial bodies in the main landing area of the Luna-25 station for a period of one year are presented.The calculations include ephemerides of the Sun, Earth, Sirius,
as well as the circumstances of solar eclipses during the period of operat
International scientific symposium The FOURTEENTH Moscow Solar System symposium 14M-S3
09.10.2023 - 13.10.2023
Название доклада
The Structure Features of Young Impact Craters in the Area of "Bulbous Fields" on the Aitken Crater Floor
The report examines a section of the territory of the Aitken crater on the far side of the Moon.The site is located about 20 km east of the central crater slide and consists of five impact craters. The paper draws attention to its unusual topography.The geophysical aspects of crater formation are di
International scientific conference International Conference PhysicA.SPb/2021 18-22 October 2021, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Saint-Petersburg Ioffe Institute
23.10.2023 - 27.10.2023
Название доклада
The state of matter in two young impact craters of the Moon based on high-resolution orbital images
The structure of two young impact craters on the far side of the Moon has been examined: the Tsiolkovsky crater and the Aitken crater. The state of matter is discussed according to the authors' results: a volcano discovered at KSU in 2009 is considered on the bottom of the Tsiolkovsky crater, an
International research and practice forum 4th BRICS Scitech Forum 2023: 4th BRICS SciTech Forum on Space Flight Mechanics and Space Structures and Materials
28.11.2023 - 01.12.2023
Название доклада
The experience of the author's image processing showed that the height of the spacecraft above the sphere of the standard radius could be determined with an average square error of 40-70 meters. The report presents graphs of the motion of the SC over the crater obtained by NASA ephemeris calcula
The experience of the author's image processing showed that the height of the spacecraft above the sphere of the standard radius could be determined with an average square error of 40-70 meters. The report presents graphs of the motion of the SC over the crater obtained by NASA ephemeris calcula
International scientific conference XXXVII Fortov International Conference
on Equations of State for Matter (ELBRUS 2022)
01.03.2022 - 06.03.2022
Название доклада
Shpekin M.I. (KFU, Kazan, Russia), Arkhipova A.A.,Laser measurements of the Moon: achievements, problems and prospects
International academic conference school VIII International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT-2022)
Samara Samara University
23.05.2022 - 27.05.2022
Название доклада
High resolution orbital photogrammetry on the example of modeling selected relief elements in the Tsiolkovsky crater on the Moon
The results of 3D-modeling of lunar relief elements in the Tsiolkovsky impact crater based on high-resolution orbital images are presented. The paper used images taken by metric cameras in the framework of the ?Apollo? program in 1971?1972 and delivered to Earth by the ?Apollo-15? and ?Apollo-17? cr
International online congress 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics
8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics
Yokoihama IACM & JSCES
31.07.2022 - 05.08.2022
Название доклада
Estimation of the state of matter in young impact craters on the Moon based on the orbital observations
The report examines the results of a 3D-survey of the relief in young impact craters based on high-resolution images obtained from lunar orbits. The craters examined included:the Tsiolkovsky and Aitken craters on the far side of the Moon, the Tycho and ?Byurgius A? craters of the visible hemisphere.
Presentation of the report in the form of "VIDEO ON DEMAND"
10.10.2022 - 14.10.2022
Название доклада
Autonomous electronic Yearbook for observations from the surface of the Moon
The autonomous electronic Lunar Yearbook makes it possible to obtain the necessary information about the exact position of celestial bodies in the lunar sky (the Sun, Earth, large planets and about 800 bright stars). As well as the visibility of eclipses, coverings, sunrises, sunsets and culmination
International scientific conference XXXVI International Conference on Interaction of
Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter (Elbrus-2021)
01.03.2021 - 06.03.2021
Название доклада
Barenbaum A.A. (OGRI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Shpekin M.I., Problem of South Pole--Aitken basin origin.
The South Pole?Aitken basin on the Moon is the largest impact structure in the
entire Solar System. Its dimensions exceed 3000 km, and its depth reaches 9 km. There is no
generally accepted explanation for the origin of this basin. The existing hypotheses suggest that
the basin was formed about 4
International scientific symposium THE TWELFTH MOSCOW SOLAR SYSTEM SYMPOSIUM 12M-S3
october 11-15, 2021 SPACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE
11.10.2021 - 15.10.2021
Название доклада
It is concluded that Mare Orientale was formed about 1-2 Ma at last bombing of Moon by galactic comets of Orion-Cygnus jet stream. To substantiate this conclusion, we used measurements of flux density comets in this jet stream, new explaining of giant South Pole-Aitken basin origin by comets, as wel
International scientific symposium THE TWELFTH MOSCOW SOLAR SYSTEM SYMPOSIUM
12M-S3 october 11-15, 2021. SPACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE
11.10.2021 - 15.10.2021
. It is known that almost 60% of the Moon's surface area is visible from the Earth due to the optical and physical libration of the Moon. This includes the entire hemisphere facing the Earth, as well as areas visible due to libration, which are called the "marginal zone of the Moon". T
International scientific conference XXXV International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (EOS-2020)
Elbrus settlement Kabardino-Balkarskiy state university
01.03.2020 - 06.03.2020
Название доклада
Estimation of the flux density of galactic comets in the Orion-Cygnus branch based on number of shield volcanoes on Venus, craters on Mars and marine basins on the Moon.
International scientific conference XXXV International Conference on Equations of State for Matter (EOS-2020) (Elbrus-2020)
01.03.2020 - 06.03.2020
Название доклада
Inversion of the Prandtl-Meyer Function
International scientific symposium The Eleventh Moscow Solar System symposium 11M-S3
05.10.2020 - 09.10.2020
Название доклада
Problem of ?South Pole-Aitken? basin formation
International scientific symposium The Eleventh Moscow Solar System symposium 11M-S3
Moscow IKI RAS
05.10.2020 - 09.10.2020
Название доклада
Sunrise, sunset and culmination of stars and bodies of the Solar System on the lunar sky
International scientific conference FarEastCon-2020 ? International multi-conference on industrial engineering and modern technologies
06.10.2020 - 09.10.2020
Название доклада
Orbital photogrammetry of selected relief elements with evidences of geological activity in Aitken crater
on the far side of the Moon.
International scientific conference XXXIV International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter (Elbrus-2019)
01.03.2019 - 06.03.2019
Название доклада
Problems of impact craters formation in the light of recent lunar missions
International scientific symposium The Tenth Moscow international Solar System
Symposium (10M-S3)
07.10.2019 - 11.10.2019
Название доклада
Problems of interpretation crater data in the Solar System
International research and practice conference International Conference ?Information Technologies in Business and Industry
Tomsk National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
18.01.2018 - 20.01.2018
Название доклада
Mukhametshin Ch R, Semenov A A, Shpekin M I. Experience of modeling relief of impact lunar crater Aitken based on high-resolution orbital images
International scientific conference XXXIII International Conference on Equations of State for Matter ELBRUS 2018
01.03.2018 - 06.03.2018
Название доклада
Ferreyra R T, Shpekin M I, Ferreyra M A, Mukhametshin Ch R, Semenov A A. A dynamical model as a shock wave pattern to predict the shape of some craters
International scientific conference XXXIII International Conference on Equations of State for Matter ELBRUS 2018
01.03.2018 - 06.03.2018
Название доклада
Barenbaum A A, Shpekin M I. Formation of craters, seas and mascons on the Moon by galactic comets
International scientific conference 70th International Scientific Conference on the problems of architecture and building
10.04.2018 - 24.04.2018
Название доклада
Epishin B.A., Shpekin M.I. Analysis of the apparent motion of the Earth in the lunar sky by computer simulation methods
International scientific symposium The Ninth Moscow international Solar System Symposium (9M-S3)
Moscow Space Research Institute RAS
08.10.2018 - 12.10.2018
International scientific symposium The Ninth Moscow international Solar System Symposium (9M-S3)
08.10.2018 - 12.10.2018
Название доклада
Barenbaum A A, Shpekin M I. Cumulatiive formation of mares and mascons on Moon by galactic comets
International scientific conference XXXII International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter, March 1-6, 2017, Elbrus, Russia
Elbrus Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS
01.03.2017 - 06.03.2017
Название доклада
The results show once more that the physics and energy of events on the Moon and planets is not confined to the solar system, but requires a broader approach that takes into account the processes in the Galaxy
International scientific symposium The Eighth Moscow international Solar System Symposium (8M-S3)
Moscow Space Research Institute
09.10.2017 - 13.11.2017
Название доклада
Problem of mascons origin
International scientific seminar XXX International scientific Conference-Workshop
To the 60-th Anniversary of Beginning Space Era
Kazan KNRTU-KAI Russian Center IFNA
23.11.2017 - 24.11.2017
Название доклада
Expedition into Tsiolkovsky crater: goals, tasks and prospects
International academic symposium Lunar Exploration and Space Technology Heritage
Kazan KFU
25.08.2016 - 30.08.2016
Название доклада
Visual 3D-study lunar regions with evidence of geological activity on the basis of the high resolution orbital images
Spatial models of lunar territory with evidences of geological activity, created by authors, allow to study their structure in new perspectives, providing a more complete extraction of the information stored in numerous materials of filming with lunar orbits. These models are created by the authors
International scientific symposium The Seventh Moscow Solar System Symposium (7M-S3)
Moscow Space Research Institute
10.10.2016 - 14.10.2016
Название доклада
Orbital images of high resolution and their role in the
study of the matter state in lunar craters
3D-models have been built to the most interesting areas of the lunar territory. On the example of two young impact craters is shown that a detailed examination of the relief elements can contribute to the study of the of the lunar craters matter state.
Work address:
18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, Building #03 (Astronomical Observatory)