Blagoveshchenskaya Anastasia Aleksandrovna. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Blagoveshchenskaya Anastasia Aleksandrovna
Field of Science
Scientific interests 

Literary criticism. English literature of the XIX-XX centuries. Stylistic peculiarities of modern English writers' prose.

English language methodology. Theory and practice of translation. Stylistics of English language.

Country studies. 

Work address: 3/45 M. Mezhlauk Str., Kazan, Building №31
Office number: 245
Phone: 88432213479
Google scholar:
 24 years 10 months   from 01.09.1999
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 24 years 10 months   from 01.09.1999
General experience:
 24 years 10 months   from 01.09.1999
Experience in KFU:
 24 years 10 months   from 01.09.1999