Slepak Zakhar Moiseyevich. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Slepak Zakhar Moiseyevich
Scientific interests 

Oil and gas geology. Geophysical monitoring in engeneering geology and archaeology. Astronomy, Solar System and Space.

Work address: 4/5 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, Building 13A (Geology, unit A)
Office number: 209
Phone: 2337454
Fax: 2928267
 54 years 10 months   from 01.09.1965
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 54 years 10 months   from 01.09.1965
General experience:
 70 years 1 months   from 27.07.1953
Experience in KFU:
 55 years   from 01.09.1965