Training courses from foreign experts and negotiations about cooperation have taken place on Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies within the International workshop «Thermal Methods for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Laboratory Testing, Simulation and Oilfields Applications».
Lectures from leading experts of oil branch Dr. Pedro Pereira Almao (University of Calgary, Canada) and Dr. Jingjun Pan (Technology Research Institute of Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Petrochina, China) have taken place on June 19, 2017.
The conference takes place for the second time and considers one of the important topics of oil industry – the «Thermal Methods for Enhanced Oil Recovery».
«Today's event was very useful for me as a specialist of oil branch, in particular lecture of Dr. Pedro Pereira Almao. Catalytic processes in layer are popular today and I heard a lot about it. But listening about it here and to talk to the lecturer is a unique opportunity. It was interesting to learn for the purpose of further application in our company», - the head of Department of innovative technologies Konstantin Bugaev (JSC “Retek”) said.
Dr. Pedro Pereira Almao has noted a possibility of communication with colleagues from around the world and has told about interaction with the Kazan State University. «Two years ago I came to Kazan for the purpose of exchanging of experience with the Russian colleagues, and today in my group I have the student from KFU, his name is Robert and he making good stories on nanoparticles. As for the Kazan State University, we already have several interesting ideas on cooperation».
Dr. Jingjun Pan also has noted the necessity of the international cooperation with colleagues. «Today was an excellent start of «ThEOR-2017». I have exchanged experience with the colleague from Canada about the Field upgrading. I’m waiting for some more interesting lectures and look forward to them».
The meeting has brought together experts from Canada, the USA, Kazakhstan, India, China, Columbia and Russia from tens of known oil companies. So, representatives from «Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.» (India) have met the director of Center of Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing Ildus A. Chukmarov for the purpose of developing the international cooperation in education and research activity. Sidhartha Sur, executive director, has told about relationship with the Russian scientists and their contribution to the development of the oil industry of India, has hoped for cooperation with Kazan State University and also interested interest in the realized programs of professional development. Successful development of the international relations is observed between Kazan State University and Southwest Petroleum University. In May 2017 the delegation from Kazan State University headed by professor Danis K. Nurgaliev has visited several organizations of oil and gas branch in four cities of China, including Southwest Petroleum University. Now our University visited prof. Pu Wafen from China. Also there have taken place successful negotiations with the CEO of «Petek Ltd.» Iskander S. Zakirov about development of new educational programs of additional education for experts and heads of oil branch.
The «ThEOR 2017» will continue till June 24th, and materials of a conference will be published in special release of «Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering».