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Laboratory Rheological and Thermochemical Research

Laboratory of Reological and Thermochemical Research is engaged in studies of physical parameters and stability of substances in different conditions, with a focus on innovative research at the edge of science and industry. Main work is proposed to solve actual problems of oil and gas industry: we work on improving of the efficiency of oil recovery (by chemical and thermal methods) and reducing of the environmental impact of existing industries. Also, our scientific group develops new methods of extraction, transportation and processing of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves, including heavy oil, bitumen, shale oil and gas hydrates, and obtaining new materials for the energy industry. We follow the principles of green chemistry and take care of the future of our planet.

Laboratory works on the issues of increasing of oil recovery factor from the bedrock, based on natural-alike technologies, and reducing viscosity of the extracted hydrocarbons, and solves issues related to the infrastructure of oil fields. Also, another part of our work is the establishment of a physical and chemical parameters of oil samples: composition, structure, rheological properties, viscosity, density, thermal stability, higher heating value, resistance to oxidation and pyrolysis, phase equilibrium and phase transitions (PVT studies), surface properties (tension, wetting), water content etc. Laboratory equipment is capable of performing full analysis of the behavior of oil gas samples in a wide range of temperatures (from -170 to +1500 °C) and pressures (from -1 to 500 bar). Our research group has developed and constructed unique pilot plants for testing and optimization of thermal methods for increasing oil recovery – combustion pipes and steam injection systems, which have no analogues in the world.

Besides oil, Laboratory of Reological and Thermochemical Research is interested in innovative projects that will be able to reduce pollution from the current facilities and open new fields of research. Thus, we work on creating of different deep eutectic solvents that will be able to replace hazardous substances used in today's industries. In addition, our researchers work on the issues of biomass processing, that will allow obtaining new renewable energy sources and developing more efficient processes of obtaining various classes of aliphatic and aromatic compounds.



Laboratory Rheological and Thermochemical Research\Laboratories - Ecooil - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University