Evgeni Magid Professor Evgeni Magid is an acting Head of Intelligent Robotics Department, a founder and a Head of Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems (LIRS) at Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of Kazan Federal University, which is one of the top 10 Russian universities and the third oldest university in Russia. Professor, founder and a Head of Intelligent Robotic Systems Laboratory at Innopolis University, Russia (2014-2016). In 2011-2014 he worked at a number of top universities and research institutions around the world: University of Bristol and Bristol Robotics Laboratory, UK; Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, USA; University of Tsukuba, Japan and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan. In 2011 he earned his PhD degree in Engineering, Doctoral program in Intelligent Interaction Technologies, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering at University of Tsukuba, Japan. In 2006 he earned a Master degree in Applied Mathematics and in 2002 - a Bachelor degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. Professor Magid is a founder and a director of a Master Program in Robotics at Kazan Federal University. He teaches original robotics and research academic courses for university undergraduate students and postgraduates in robotics, IoT and computer science educational programs. Senior member of IEEE, member of IEEE RAS, ACM, INSTICC and Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence. His research interests include urban search and rescue robotics, mobile robotics, path planning, robotic teams, and human-robot interaction. He authors over 200 publications in English, Russian and Japanese languages and 5 patents. As a PI, he conducted over 20 research projects with governmental and industrial external funding, including 3 international projects that engaged foreign research partner teams from top universities of India, Israel, Japan and Thailand.
Elvira Chebotareva Associate Professor Elvira graduated from the Kazan State Pedagogical University with a degree in mathematics and informatics. In 2010 she defended PhD thesis on the specialty 01.01.02 "Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control". In 2020 she graduated from the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems of the Kazan State Federal University with a master's degree in robotics.
Roman Lavrenov Associate Professor In 2013 Roman graduated from the Kazan Federal University in the field of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. In 2012-2013 he was engaged in software development for APK "Labyrinth" ar KB "Navigation Technologies". From 2013 to 2015 Roman worked on the software development for the robotic system of machine vision at "Eidos-Robototechnika". From 2015 to 2016 Roman worked as a assistant researcher at the Laboratory of Intellectual Robotic Systems of the University of Innopolis, where he was one of the main executors of the project "Localization, mapping and searching for a path for an unpiloted ground robot (UGR) with the help of a group of unpiloted aerial vehicles (UAV) using collective technical vision and planning in the common trust area of a group of robots ". Roman continues working on the project at the Institute of ITIS KFU. Roman is a C ++ specialist and has extensive experience of working with databases. Roman speaks English. As a graduate student, he became a laureate of the competition "Student of the Year 2018" at the Kazan Federal University. The author of the best publication of the All-Russian Scientific Seminar "Unmanned vehicles with artificial intelligence elements" and the International scientific conference IEEE DeSE-2019. Winner of the competition "10 best innovative ideas of KFU" (2017). Winner of the republican competition "Idea-1000" (2018). Winner of the All-Russian competition among programming teachers "VK Fellowship" (2020). Nominee for the KFU Rector's Scholarship for Young Scientists (2019). Author of 7 certificates of state registration of computer program and 1 patent. He was officially trained in programming industrial robots "Fanuc", "ABB", "KUKA". n 2020 he defended PhD thesis on the specialty 05.13.18 "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes".
Sergey Maksyutin Senior lecturer In 1996 Sergey graduated from the Physics Faculty of Kazan State University after V.I.Ulyanov-Lenin. Sergey was qualified as a radiophysicist. The field of scientific interests is the physics of the sporadic E layer and the dynamics of the neutral wind in the region of heights of the upper mesosphere-lower thermosphere. In 2004 he defended thesis "Variations in the parameters of the layer Es and meso-thermospheric light according to geo-helioactivity" for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialty 25.00.29 "Physics of the atmosphere and hydrosphere."
Alexandra Dobrokvashina Teaching Assistant, Junior Researcher In 2015 Alexandra graduated from the "Grammar school No. 7" with a gold medal. In 2019 received her bachelor's degree with the speciality of “Applied Information Science” at the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems of KFU. The same year she was enrolled in master program in Intelligent Robotics. Alexandra speaks English. Also she works with such programming languages as Java, SQL, C/C++, Python and C#.
Ramil Safin Senior Lecturer, Junior Researcher In 2014 Ramil graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum №83 with a gold medal. In 2018 received his bachelor's degree with the speciality of “Applied Information Science” from the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of Kazan Federal University (KFU). In 2020 he obtained a master's degree with honours in Robotics. Ramil speaks English, Tatar and Arabic languages. Ramil is involved in scientific research work on computer vision. Also he works with such software languages, as C/C++, Java, Python, Haskell, Rust and SQL. In 2019 received master's degree in Robotics. In 2020 Ramil won the scholarship of the Mayor of Kazan competition and became a laureate of the "Student of the Year" KFU competition in the nomination "Best Postgraduate of the Year".
Tatyana Tsoy Assistant Professor In 2012 Tatyana graduated from "International Area Studies" Master's Degree Program at Tsukuba University. In 2008 - 2009 worked as a junior coordinator for the JICA Project "Capacity Development Project for monitoring landslides in the Republic of Uzbekistan", in 2011 - 2012 coordinator for foreign students affairs at Tsukuba University in Japan, 2014 administrative manager in the travel company InsideAsiaTours in the UK. In 2024 she received the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 2.3.8. “Informatics and information processes” (technical sciences). She speaks English, Japanese and Chinese languages.
Artem Apurin Junior Researcher In 2017 graduated from Lyceum №8 in Stavropol. In 2021 he received a bachelor's degree in 10.03.01 “Information security” studies at the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies in North-Caucasus Federal University. Currently he is a student of Master's program “Intelligent Robotics” at the Institute of ITIS KFU. He has experience in programming languages: C/C++, Python.
Bulat Abbyasov Junior Researcher In 2016 graduated from the comprehensive school. In the same year, he started his study at the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of Kazan Federal University (KFU). Since 2020, he is a student of the "Intelligent Robotics" Master's program at the Institute of ITIS KFU. Since 2017 he has been engaged in research activities of LIRS. Bulat is the author of several robotics articles, one of which was presented at the international scientific conference ICRA (one of the leading conferences in robotics). He speaks English and Tatar languages. Has experience with programming languages: Assembler x86, С, С ++, Python, Java.
Maxim Mustafin Research Assistant In 2019 Maksim graduated from Yelabuga secondary general school No. 1 with a golden medal. In 2023, he received a bachelor's degree from the Institute of ITIS KFU in the direction of 'Software Engineering'. Speaks English. He has experience working with programming languages C/C++, SQL, Python and C#, with collaborative robots UR3e, UR5e and with a mobile crawler robot Servosila Engineer.
Aidar Zagirov Research Assistant In 2019 graduated from school No. 7 in Leninogorsk . In the same year he entered the bachelor's degree program "Software Engineering" at the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems of KFU. Speaks English and Tatar languages. He has programming experience in C++, C# and Python.
Valeriya Zhukova Research Assistant In 2022 graduated from Kazan Federal University with a degree in liguistics as an English and Korean interpreter at the Institute of International Relations. The same year entered the master's degree program “Theory and methods of teaching foreign language and culture”. Speaks English, studies Korean and French and their teaching methods in online and offline education.
Timur Gamberov Research Assistant In 2020 graduated from lyceum No. 2 in Almetievsk. In the same year he entered the bachelor's degree program "Software Engineering" at the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems of KFU. He has programming experience in C/C++, Python, SQL, Bash.
Alexander Eremin Research Assistant In 2018 graduated from school No. 3 in Kuragino with gold medal. In 2020 graduated with bachelor's degree in "Software Engineering" from the School of Space and Information Technology of Siberian Federal University. Since 2022 is a Master's student at the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) (Intelligent Robotics). He has programming experience in C/C++, JavaScript, C#, Java, Python, Haskell, Bash, SQL.
Renata Islamova Research Assistant In 2018 graduated from "Design school "Tochka", Perm. In 2020 entered a bachelor's degree program in linguistics as an English and German interpreter at the Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University. Speaks English, studies German and Arabic languages.
Niyaz Imamov Research Assistant In 2022, he graduated from the Kirov Secondary School in the Aktanysh district of the Republic of Tatarstan with a gold medal. Since the same year, he has been studying at the Bachelor's degree at the ITIS Institute of KFU in the direction of "Software Engineering". Speaks English and Tatar languages. Experienced in programming languages C++, C# and Python. Since 2024, he has been engaged in research activities at LIRS.
Ruslan Farkhetdinov Research Assistant In 2019, he graduated from secondary school №5 in Berezniki city with a gold medal. In 2023, he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in «Applied Informatics» from the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies of KFU with honors. Since 2023, he has been a Master’s student in the field of «Intelligent Robotics» at the ITIS Institute of KFU. Experienced in programming languages: C/C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, SQL. Winner of the Open Russian Robotics Championship in the Tatarstan Republic Robocup «Robot at home 2024».