The Function programmable photonics materials
The Function programmable photonics materials for biomedical and info-communication applications laboratory focuses on exploratory research to create new materials, methods of their manufacture and use, as well as devices for the photographic and magnetodynamic therapy, treatment of skin diseases (including psoriasis and vitiligo), targeted drug delivery, photo-induced toxicity. Next subjects are also studied: the fundamental properties of nanoparticles, composite and ceramic materials, as well as mechanisms for their physical and biological effects.
Laboratory objectives include:
1. Research on the synthesis of fluoride materials (nanostructured and composite) for biomedical applications.
2. The development of new laser systems, UV spectrum range for therapeutic devices personalized medicine.
3. Studies of the thermodynamic aspects of the interaction between inorganic and organic materials from the cell and its organelles, for the purposes of drug delivery.
Work carried out in three directions:
1. The development of materials for photodynamic therapy, skin diseases therapy devices (including psoriasis and vitiligo),
2. Investigation of the thermodynamic aspects of the interface "cell / pericellular environment / drug nanopreparations" and development of methods for targeted delivery of drugs
3. Investigation of the mechanisms of physical and biological effects of nanoparticles.