Academic Collaboration
Scientific Cooperation
Relations in the sphere of science have been established with the following universities and organizations:
ISMANS (Le Mans, France)
ISMANS (Higher School of Mechanics and Materials Science) is a consortium of an engineer school, scientific-research laboratory working in the field of science and management, and high-technology company, which always work together, training potential scientists and engineers of the XXI century. Training-and-Research Centre “Physics of Complex Systems” works in close cooperation with ISMANS. Every year French students have summer practical training in the TRC, and Masters of the Training-and-Research Centre “Physics of Complex Systems” have an opportunity to study in ISMANS for one year to get a French diploma of engineer specializing in “Molecular Modeling”. In 2011 three Master's Degree students of the Department of Physics of Complex Systems, A. Petrova, Yu. Lysogorskiy and D. Timerkayeva got KFU diplomas of Master's Degree in Physics and French diplomas of engineer within the framework of cooperation between TRC “Physics of Complex Systems” and ISMANS institute.
RIKEN (Wako, Japan)
RIKEN (Institute of Research in Physics and Chemistry) is the largest scientific research Centre in Japan. Founded in 1917, today RIKEN plays a key role in research in the field of natural sciences in Japan. The Institute has a laboratory infrastructure at the best world level which allows Japanese scientists and their international colleagues working at the most modern directions of research and taking part in development of state-of-the-art technologies. RIKEN conducts research in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, technical and computer sciences. Since 2008 the joint program for preparation of post-graduate students under dual Russian-Japanese supervision is realized within the frames of cooperation between KFU and RIKEN (supervisor of the program – Professor D. A. Tauyrsky). An agreement on scientific cooperation between KFU Institute of Physics and RIKEN Advance Science Institute was signed in October, 2010 along with the agreement on creation of the joint laboratory based at the KFU Institute of Physics. On April, 28, 2011 Alexander Badrutdniv defended thesis in the KFU Institute of Physics. He was a postgraduate student of the KFU Institute of Physics and RIKEN Institute of Research in Physics and Chemistry. This defense was unique because after it the young scientist got two degrees – the Russian degree of Candidate of Sciences and an international PhD of the RIKEN Institute. Currently post-graduates from Kazan R. Batulin and N. Neysengulov conduct researches in RIKEN Laboratory of low temperatures.
Wihuri Physical Laboratory (Turku, Finland)
Wihuri Laboratory for fundamental researches, particularly in the field of Low Temperature Atomic Physics, was organized in the University of Turku on March 14, 1957. The majority of researches carried out in WPL (Wihuri Physical Laboratory) are referred to Fundamental Physics. None the less, there permanently exist several short-term application-oriented projects, which are implemented in collaboration with industrial enterprises. Researches into Semiconductor Physics, especially in ultrastrong magnetic fields, as well as into Magnetics, Superconductivity and Nuclear Resonance Spectroscopy of Solid Body are conducted in the Laboratory. Joint researches are pursued into four fields: atomic hydrogen, Magnetics and Superconductivity, Nanophysics and NMR in Solid Bodies.
The post-graduate student of KFU, graduate of the Department of Physics of Complex Systems, D. Zvezdov, is currently making experiments in this university.