Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Department of Biochemistry of Kazan University is the first Department of Biochemistry in Europe. It was founded in 1863. In various periods of time here worked such famous scientists as Alexander Danilevskiy, Vladimir Engelhardt, Alexander Baev, Igor Tarchevskiy, Victor Vinter.
Today the Department of Biochemistry is one of the leaders in training specialists in the sphere of biomedical science, bioinformatics and nanotechnologies.
The Department actively develops applied projects research. 6 enterprises work successfully and perform practice-oriented activity in the sphere of medicine trials, forensic science, enzymatic drugs, biological drugs for the protection of plants and biosensors.
Research is primarily conducted at Biomedical Technologies and Agrobionanotechnologies research centers. These platforms give good opportunities for students` prospective employment.
Modern Biology Training center opened at the Department offers more than ten additional educational programs for everyone interested.
Head of department: | Kiyamova Ramziya Galyamovna |
Phone: | 89874247984 |
Fax: | +7 (843) 238 7121 | |
Address: | 18 Kremlyovskaya str (Main Building) Room 102V |
Regulation: | open file |