History of the Institute
University, Medicine, and Biology in Kazan appeared at the same time.
In 1804 Emperor Alexander I issued a decree on the establishment of the Imperial University of Kazan. Among the first departments were the Department of Anatomy, the Department of Physiology, the Department of Forensic Medicine, and the Department of Natural History and Botanics.
Medicine was introduced to the University by an anatomist I.P. Kamensky and a physician K.F. Fuchs in 1806. In 1807, professor I.O. Brown replaced I.P. Kamensky at the Department of Anatomy. In 1814, he was elected the first Rector of Kazan Imperial University. Kazan Imperial University opening ceremony was held in 1814. History of Kazan University is closely related with the names of the great biologists and physicians K. Fuchs, E. Eversmann, A. Kowalewski, S. Zimnitsky, A. Samoilov, V. Gruzdev, P. Lesgaft, A. Vishnevsky and many others.
In 1930, the Medical Faculty was separated from Kazan University. As a result, Kazan Medical Institute was created. In 1933, the Faculty of Biology was opened at the University.
In May 2012, the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology was created from the Biology and Soil Faculty of KFU. All medical departments were newly created by the best assignee of the medical community and science of Tatarstan. KFU's priority in medical training is teaching the fundamental approach that will enable graduates to become a new generation of doctors, able to understand the causes and mechanisms of the processes occurring in the body of a healthy or sick person.
Today, there are about 1,700 bachelors, masters and Ph.D.students studying at the Institute, with more than 250 represented by foreign students. Since 2013, the Institute reintroduced medical study programs where we have over 500 students enrolled.