In 2024, the researchers of department had published 139 scientific articles in international journals, indexed by WoS / Scopus. In 2014-2024, more than 1200 articles were published.
Main results are published in the following articles:
1. Gatiatulin A.K., Ziganshin M.A., Gorbatchuk V.V. Guest inclusion by native cyclodextrins in solid state and solutions: A review // Carbohydrate Polymers. - 2025. - V.349. - 122962.
2. Nagrimanov R.N., Italmasov A.R., Buzyurov A.V., Lapuk S.E., Larionov R.A., Gerasimov A.V., Ziganshin M.A. Thermochemical parameters of phase transitions of antibacterial drugs: sulfamethoxazole, sulfapyridine and sulfamethazine // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. – 2024. – V.149, N 4. – P.1433–1442.
3. Yagofarov M. I., Sokolov A. A., Solomonov B. N. The relationships between enthalpy and volume changes of aromatic compounds on melting at Tm and 298.15 K //The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. – 2024. – V. 188. – P. 107152.
4. Solomonov B. N., Yagofarov M. I. Can the hydrogen bonding enthalpy be calculated from the binding constant at 298.15 K? //Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2024. – V.409. – P.125353.
5. Solomonov B. N., Khisamiev M. B., Yagofarov M. I. Calculation of the formation enthalpies of charge-transfer complexes with iodine from the binding constants at 298.15 K //Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2024. – V.411. – P.125690.
6. Bolmatenkov D. N., Yagofarov M. I., Sokolov A. A., Notfullin A. A., Solomonov B. N. Vaporization enthalpies of self-associated aromatic compounds at 298.15 K: A review of existing data and the features of heat capacity correction. Part III. Polyphenols, polyanilines and aminophenols //The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. – 2024. – P.107408.
7. Bolmatenkov D. N., Nizamov I. I., Aleshin R. P., Galukhin A. V., Yagofarov M. I., Solomonov B. N. Vaporization thermodynamics of normal alkyl azides //Thermochimica Acta. – 2024. – V.740. – P.179840.
8. Smirnova N. L., Kustov A. V., Notfullin A. A., Yagofarov M. I., Batov D. V., Semenov K. N. Enthalpy and heat capacity of hydration of the cytostatic Dioxadet //Mendeleev Communications. – 2024. – V.34, No. 5. – P.680-681.
9. Emel'yanenko V.N., Zherikova K. V., Verevkin S. P. Quantum chemistry and pharmacy: diagnostic check of the thermochemistry of ibuprofen //ChemPhysChem. – 2024. – V.25, No. 11. – P.e202400066.
10. Samarov A. A., Müller K., Wasserscheid P., Verevkin S. P. Thermodynamics of Reversible Hydrogen Storage: Are Methoxy‐Substituted Aromatics better through Oxygen Functionality? //Chemical Engineering & Technology. – 2024. – V.47, No. 4. – P.739-745.
11. Samarov A. A., Vostrikov S. V., Glotov A. P., Verevkin S. P. Thermodynamic Exercises for the Kinetically Controlled Hydrogenation of Carvone //Chemistry. – 2024. – V.6, No. 4. – P.706-722.
12. Verevkin S. P., Samarov A. A., Vostrikov S. V.Thermodynamics of reversible hydrogen storage: Does alkoxy-substitution of naphthalene yield functional advantages for LOHC systems? //The Journal of Chemical Physics. – 2024. – V.160, No. 15.
13. Verevkin, S. P., Samarov, A. A., Vostrikov, S. V., Rakhmanin, O. S. Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: Hydrogenation Thermodynamics of Aromatic Esters //Hydrogen. – 2024. – V.5, No. 3. – P.644-668.
14. Verevkin S. P., Zherikova K. V.Health is the greatest wealth: Quest for a diagnostic check for thermochemistry of pure drug compounds //European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. – 2024. – P.114330.
15. Vostrikov S. V., Müller K., Verevkin S. P. Hydrogenation of Terpenols into Sustainable Biofuel Additives:“Virtual” vs “Real” Hydrogen //Energy & Fuels. – 2024. – V.38, No. 15. – P.14365-14374.
16. Elbakari A. al. Biosynthetic fuels: A marriage of renewable resources and chemical thermodynamics //International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. – 2024. – V.84. – P.848-862.
17. Nizamov I.I., Bolmatenkov D. N., Yagofarov M.I., Solomonov B.N. Reconciliation of the vapor pressure temperature dependences of poorly studied substances. Part I: Individual compounds //Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2024. – accepted
18. Yagofarov M. I., Bolmatenkov D. N., Notfullin A. A., Sokolov A. A., Balakhontsev I. S., Mukhametzyanov T. A., Solomonov B. N. Phase transition thermodynamics of 1, 3, 5-tris-(α-naphthyl) benzene: theory and experiment //Molecules. – 2024. – V.29, No. 10. – P.2180.
19. Bolmatenkov D. N., Notfullin A. A., Sokolov A. A., Balakhontsev I. S., Yagofarov M. I., Mukhametzyanov T. A., Solomonov B. N. Phase transition thermodynamics of organic semiconductors: N, N, N', N'-tetraphenylbenzidine and 4, 4'-bis (N-carbazolyl)-1, 1'-biphenyl //Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2024. – V.403. – P.124810.
20. Yurkshtovich Y. N., Blokhin A. V., Labetski A. G., Shiman D. I., Notfullin A. A., Yagofarov M. I. Heat capacities and thermodynamic functions of three 1-benzyl-4-aryl-1H-1, 2, 3-triazoles in the temperature range of (0–Tm) K //Thermochimica Acta. – 2024. – V.742. – P.179881.
21. Bolmatenkov D. N., Nizamov I. I., Sokolov A. A., Yagofarov M. I., Solomonov B. N. Phase-Transition Thermodynamics of Tolbutamide //Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. – 2024. – V.69, No. 3. – P.1042-1050.
22. Biktimirova R.F., Zubaidullina L.S., Ziganshin M.A., Mukhametzyanov T.A., Lyadov N.M., Gerasimov A.V.The effect of molecular weight of polyvinylpyrrolidone on the release of p-aminosalicylic acid from microspherical solid dispersion particles // Russian Chemical Bulletin. – 2024. – V.73, N 3. – P.681–687.
23. Romanov S.R., Nafikova A.V., Shulaeva M.P., Pozdeev O.K., Ivshin K.A., Kataeva O.N., Gerasimov A.V., Galkina I.V., Bakhtiyarova Yu.V.Tris(3-fluorophenyl)phosphine in reactions with acrylic acid and its derivatives: crystal structure and biological activity of the reaction products // Russian Chemical Bulletin. – 2024. – V.73, N 3. – P.616–623.
24. Makhmutova L.I., Shurpik D.N., Mostovaya O.A., Lachugina N.R., Gerasimov A.V., Guseinova A., Evtugyn G.A., Stoikov I.I. A supramolecular electrochemical probe based on a tetrazole derivative pillar[5]arene/methylene blue system // Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. – 2024. – V.22, N 21. – P.4353–4363.
25. Lapuk S.E., Mukhametzyanov T.A., Schick C., Gerasimov A.V.Stability of Rapidly Crystallizing Sulfonamides Glasses by Fast Scanning Calorimetry: Crystallization Kinetics and Glass-Forming Ability // Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. – 2024. – V.113, N 5. – P.1257–1264.
26. Nagrimanov R. N., Ibragimova A. R., Samatov A. A. Thermochemistry of solvation versus vaporisation: Why is the enthalpy of solvation extremely additive?/ // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2024. – V.398. – P.124316.
27. Nagrimanov R.N., Samatov A.A., Ziganshin M.A., Solomonov B.N., Verevkin S.P. Re-evaluation of solution enthalpies of aliphatic hydrocarbons functional derivatives and terpenes in n-heptane and their validation by thermochemical consistency // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2024. – V.394. – P.123697.
28. Nagrimanov R. N., Ibragimova A. R., Solomonov B. N. Intermolecular interactions and thermochemical properties for aliphatic alcohols in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran:“structure–property” relations // The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. – 2024. – V.188. – P.107174.
29. Verevkin S.P., Zaitsau D.H., Nagrimanov R.N., Zhang Y., Maginn E. J., Stark A. Symmetry versus asymmetry game in vaporization enthalpies of imidazolium-based ionic liquids // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2024. – V.395. – P.123850.
30. Nagrimanov R.N., Samatov A.A., Babkin R.A., Bolmatenkov D.N., Sibgatullina R.L., Verevkin S.P. Thermodynamic insights into the odour intensity of terpenols // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. – 2024. - doi: 10.1007/s10973-024-13819-9
31. Samatov A.A., Konyashin K.S., Solomonov B.N., Nagrimanov R.N. Influence of the position of carbonyl group in ketones on their enthalpies of vaporization and saturated vapour pressures / // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. – 2024. - doi: 10.1007/s10973-024-13816-y.
32. Petrov A.A., Titova E.A., Akhmadiyarov A. A., Rakipov I.T., Solomonov B.N. Vaporization enthalpy of azeotropes by the solution calorimetry method // J. Mol. Liq. - 2024. - V.393. - P. 123565.
33. Andrianov R.A., Morozova T.A., Snetkov D.S., Nizamov I.I., Schick C., Mukhametzyanov T.A.Nucleation, crystal growth, nuclei stability, and polymorph selection in supercooled tolbutamide melt // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2024. - V.26, N 40 - P.25946-25956.
34. Mukhametzyanov T.A., Notfullin A.A., Fatkhutdinova A.A., Schick C. Organic compounds as temperature calibrants for fast scanning calorimetry // Thermochimica Acta. - 2024. - V.741 – Article ID 179868
35. Mostovaya, O., Shiabiev, I., Ovchinnikov, D., Pysin, D., Mukhametzyanov, T., Stanavaya, A., Abashkin, V., Shcharbin, D., Khannanov, A., Kutyreva, M., Shen, M., Shi, X., Padnya, P., & Stoikov, I. PAMAM-Calix-Dendrimers: Third Generation Synthesis and Impact of Generation and Macrocyclic Core Conformation on Hemotoxicity and Calf Thymus DNA Binding // Pharmaceutics. - 2024. - V.16, N 11 - ArticleID 1379
36. Kurakin S., Ivankov O., Dushanov E., Murugova T., Ermakova E., Efimov S., Mukhametzyanov T., Smerdova S., Klochkov V., Kuklin A., Kučerka N. Calcium ions do not influence the Aβ(25-35) triggered morphological changes of lipid membranes // Biophysical Chemistry. - 2024. - V.313 - P.107292
37. Tendiuk, N., Diakonova, A., Petrova, O., Mukhametzyanov, T., Makshakova, O., Gorshkov, V.Svx Peptidases of Phytopathogenic Pectolytic Bacteria: Structural, Catalytic and Phytoimmune Properties // Int. J. Mol. Sci. - 2024. - V.25, N 2. - ArticleID 756
38. Sultanaev V., Yakimova L., Nazarova A., Sedov I., Mostovaya O., Mukhametzyanov T., Davletshin D., Takuntseva D., Gilyazova E., Bulatov E., Stoikov I. Pillar[5]arene/albumin biosupramolecular systems for simultaneous native protein preservation and encapsulation of a water-soluble substrate // Journal of Materials Chemistry B. - 2024. - V.12 - № 12 - P.3103-3114
39. Kurakin S., Badreeva D., Dushanov E., Shutikov A., Efimov S., Timerova A., Mukhametzyanov T., Murugova T., Ivankov O., Mamatkulov K., Arzumanyan G., Klochkov V., Kučerka N. Arrangement of lipid vesicles and bicelle-like structures formed in the presence of Aβ(25-35) peptide // Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. - 2024. - V.1866, N 1. - ArticleID 184237
40. Kuznetsova A.A., Chachkov D.V., Belogorlova N.A., Malysheva S.F., Vereshchagina Ya.A. Structure of tris[2-(4-pyridyl)ethyl]phosphine, tris[2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl]phosphine, and their chalcogenides in solution: Dipole moments, IR spectroscopy, and DFT study // Molecules. - 2024. - Vol.29, Is.1. - Art. №110.
41. Kuznetsova A.A., Chachkov D.V., Tcarkova K.V., Bondarenko N.A., Vereshchagina Ya.A. Structure of N,N-dialkylamides of diphenylphosphorylacetic acid in solution: Dipole moments, IR spectroscopy, and quantum chemical study // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. – 2024. - Vol. 94, No. 2. - P. 352-362.
42. Gaynanova G. A., Vasileva L. A., Karimova T. R., Romanova E. A., Lyubina A. P., Davletshina N. V., Davletshin R. R., Voloshina A. D., Zakharova L. Ya. Structure-activity correlation for new phosphorylated quaternary ammonium salts: To antimicrobial activity via self-organization // Colloids Surf. A. – 2024. – Vol. 700. – ArticleID 134820.
43. Gorbachuk E. V., Grell T., Hey-Hawkins E., Yakhvarov D. G. Intermolecular insertion reactions into the p−p bond of oligophosphorus compounds // European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. -2024. - V.27. Is, 14. - ArticleID E202300751
44. Sakhapov I.F., Zagidullin A.A., Gafurov Z.N., Khismatova D.K., Zaripov R.B., Kagilev A.A., Kantyukov A.O., Zueva E.M., Petrova M.M., Litvinov I.A., Miluykov V.A., Shmelev A.G., Sinyashin O.G., Yakhvarov D.G. Aryl group transfer and c–p bond formation in the reaction of organonickel complexes with sodium 3,4,5-triphenyl-1,2-diphospholide // New Journal of Chemistry. - 2024. V.48. Is. 4. - P. 1559-1566.
45. Mikhailov I.K., Gafurov Z.N., Kagilev A.A., Sakhapov I.F., Morozov V.I., Ganeev G.R., Khayarov Kh.R., Kulikova V.A., Kirkina V.A., Gutsul E.I., Shubina E.S., Belkova N.V., Sinyashin O.G., Yakhvarov D.G. ELECTROCATALYTIC RADICAL DEGRADATION OF 2-AMINOETHANOL BY NICKEL, PALLADIUM AND PLATINUM COMPLEXES BEARING NON-INNOCENT DIARYLAMIDO/BIS(PHOSPHINE) PINCER LIGAND // Applied Magnetic Resonance. - 2024. - V. 55. Is 10. - P. 1323-1333.
46. Kagilev A.A., Gafurov Z.N., Kantyukov A.O., Mikhailov I.K., Yakhvarov D.G. Electrocatalytic radical degradation of 2-aminoethanol by nickel, palladium and platinum complexes bearing non-innocent diarylamido/bis(phosphine) pincer ligand // Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. -2024. - V. 28. Is. 3-4. - P. 897-910.
47. Kuchkaev A.M., Zhurenok A.V., Kuchkaev A.M., Sukhov A.V., Kashansky V.S., Nikitin M.M., Litvintseva K.A., Cherepanova S.V., Gerasimov E.Yu., Kozlova E.A., Sinyashin O.G., Yakhvarov D.G. Photocatalytic activity of heterostructures based on graphite-like carbon nitride modified with few-layer black phosphorus and cobalt phosphide in the hydrogen evolution reaction // Kinetics and Catalysis. - 2024. - V. 65. Is 5. - P. 579-585.
48. Khachatrian A.A., Mukhametzyanov T.A., Salikhov R.Z., Klimova A.E., Gafurov Z.N., Kantyukov A.O., Yakhvarov D.G., Garifullin B.F., Mironova D.A., Voloshina A.D., Solomonov B.N. New ionic liquids based on 5-fluorouracil: tuning of BSA binding and cytotoxicity // International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. - 2024. - V. 257. - ArticleID 128642.
49. Kagilev A.A., Gafurov Z.N., Sakhapov I.F., Morozov V.I., Kantyukov A.O., Zaripov R.B., Zueva E.M., Mikhailov I.K., Dobrynin A.B., Kulikova V.A., Kirkina V.A., Gutsul E.I., Shubina E.S., Belkova N.V., Sinyashin O.G., Yakhvarov D.G. Electrochemical generation and in situ EPR- and UV–vis- observation of aminyl-radical diarylamido/bis(phosphine) pincer complexes of Ni, Pd and Pt // Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. -2024. - V. 956. - ArticleID 118084.
50. Zagidullin A.A., Sakhapov I.F., Saitova A.M., Gerasimova T.P., Gafurov Z.N., Kagilev A.A., Morozov V.I., Zueva E.M., Khismatova D.K., Miluykov V.A., Shmelev A.G., Yakhvarov D.G. Influence of the substituents on physico-chemical properties of 1-r-1,2-diphospholes: theoretical and experimental study // Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. - 2024. - V. 1012. - ArticleID 123142.
51. Kuchkaev A.M., Kuchkaev A.M., Sukhov A.V., Ivanov A.S., Khayarov Kh.R., Dobrynin A.B., Sinyashin O.G., Yakhvarov D.G. ELECTROCHEMICALLY INDUCED PHOSPHORUS–METHYL BOND FORMATION INVOLVING THE COMPLEX [CO(PH2PCH2P(PH)2PPPPP(PH)2CH2PPH2)]BF4 // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry.- 2024. V. 60. Is. 2. - P. 129-134.
52. Sakhapov I.F., Zagidullin A.A., Islamov D.R., Sharutin V.V., Yakhvarov D.G., Zherebtsov D.A., Milyukov V.A., Zaguzin A.S., Fedin V.P., Adonin S.A. TWO- AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL POLYMERIC CO(II) TEREPHTHALATES WITH 3,3',5,5'-TETRABROMO-4,4'-BIPYRIDINE (3,3'5,5'-BRBIPY) // Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry. - 2024. - V. 50. Is. 1. - P. 67-72.
54. Kuchkaev A.M., Kuchkaev A.M., Sukhov A.V., Saparina S.V., Gnezdilov O.I., Klimovitskii A.E., Ziganshina S.A., Nizameev I.R., Faizullin B.A., Sinyashin O.G., Yakhvarov D.G. COVALENT FUNCTIONALIZATION OF FEW-LAYER BLACK PHOSPHORUS BY THE COMPLEX [NIBR2(PHEN)] (PHEN = 1,10-PHENANTHROLINE) // Journal of Structural Chemistry. - 2024. - V. 65. Is 4. - P. 643-654.
55. Wan Z.-X., Kuchkaev A., Yakhvarov D., Kang X.-W. Monodispersed Cu-TCPP/Cu2O Hybrid Microspheres: A Superior Cascade Electrocatalyst Toward CO2 Reduction to C2 Products // Journal of Electrochemistry. - 2024. - V. 30, is. 1. - ArticleID 2303271
56. Gorbachuk E. V., Mikhaylov M. A., Sheven D. G., Sokolov M. N., Yakhvarov D. G. Rhenium Iodide Cluster Re3I9 as a Precursor in the Synthesis of [Re(CO)5I] and ((n-C4H9)4N)2[Re2Cl8] // Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry. – 2024. – V. 50. – Is. 9. – P. 604–612.
57. Gatiatulin A.K., Klimovitskii A.E., Ziganshin M.A., Gorbatchuk V.V. Solid-State Preparation of Inclusion Compounds of Native Cyclodextrins with Diclofenac Sodium // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. - 2024. - V. 94 (8). - P.1967-1971.
58. Gatiatulin A. K., Balakhontsev I. S., Talashmanova S. M., Ziganshin M. A., Gorbatchuk V. V. New Polymorph of β-Cyclodextrin with a Higher Bioavailability // Chemistry. - 2024. - V. 6(1). -P. 51-61.
59. Khaibrakhmanova, D.R., Nikifirova, A.A., Li, Z. et al. Human Serum Albumin Fibril Formation in the Presence of Ligands with Different Affinity. // Russ J Gen Chem. — 2024. — V.94. — P.395–405.
60. Khaibrakhmanova, D.R.; Kuzivanova, P.R.; Gainutdinov, B.R.; Magsumov, T.I.; Nikiforova, A.A.; Sedov, I.A. The Contrasting Effect of Sodium Alginate on Lysozyme and Albumin Denaturation and Fibril Formation // Biophysica. — 2024. — V.4. — PP.651-666.
61. Muronetz, V.I., Medvedeva, M.V. & Schmalhausen, E.V. Post-Translational Modifications of the Sulfhydryl Group of the Cysteine Residue of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase.// Moscow Univ. Chem. Bull. — 2024. — V.79. — P.115–120.
62. Albert Abdullin, Timur Magsumov, Aleksandra Kusova, Andrei Sokolov, Timur Mukhametzyanov, Igor Sedov, Influence of cross-link density on the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of polybutylene terephthalate // Thermochimica Acta. — 2024. — V.732. — 179672.
63. Timur I. Magsumov, Yaroslav E. Chumakov, Bulat R. Gainutdinov, Radik A. Larionov, Askar K. Gatiatulin, Ivan A. Andreev, Nina K. Ratmanova, Olga A. Ivanova, Igor V. Trushkov, and Igor A. Sedov, Solvation Properties of Triethylammonium-Based Protic Ionic Liquids // Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article. — 2024. — in press.
64. Bogdanova, L.R., Nikiforova, A.A., Ziganshina, S.A. et al. Influence of divalent metal cations on α-lactalbumin fibril formation. // J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. — 2024. — V.29. — P.601–609.
65. Derkach, S.R.; Voron'ko, N.G.; Kuchina, Y.A.; Kolotova, D.S.; Grokhovsky, V.A.; Nikiforova, A.A.; Sedov, I.A.; Faizullin, D.A.; Zuev, Y.F. Rheological Properties of Fish and Mammalian Gelatin Hydrogels as Bases for Potential Practical Formulations. // Gels. — 2024. — V.10. — P.486.
66. Mariya Klimovitskaya, Polina Skvortsova, Olga Zueva and Yuriy Zuev, Thermal stability of water-in-oil microemulsions containing solubilized nutritional protein gelatin, BIO Web Conf., 116 (2024) 03016
67. Elena Ermakova, Rauf Kurbanov, Igor Sedov, Yuriy Zuev, Thermal unfolding of alpha-lactalbumin at acidic pH: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations // Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. — 2025. — V.134.— P.108900.
68. Zuev, Y.F.; Derkach, S.R.; Lunev, I.V.; Nikiforova, A.A.; Klimovitskaya, M.A.; Bogdanova, L.R.; Skvortsova, P.V.; Kurbanov, R.K.; Kazantseva, M.A.; Zueva, O.S. Water as a Structural Marker in Gelatin Hydrogels with Different Cross-Linking Nature. // Int. J. Mol. Sci. — 2024. — V.25. — P.11738.
69. Nikiforova, А.А., Kuzivanova, P.R., Sedov, I.А. et al. Complexes of Porcine Gelatin with Carrageenans: Influence of pH, Presence of Salts, and Polysaccharide Type. // Russ. J. Gen. Chem. — 2024. — V.94. — P.2662–2670.
70. Timur Magsumov, Ilya Ibraev, and Igor Sedov, Probing the Conformational Ensemble of the Amyloid Beta 16–22 Fragment with Parallel-Bias Metadynamics // The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. — 2024. —
71. Abdullin A., Sedov I., The Influence of Polybutylene Terephthalate Cross-Linking on Infrared Spectra // Russian Kournal of Physical Chemistry A. — 2024. — DOI: 10.1134/S0036024424702741
72. Magsumov, T.I.; Sedov, I.A. Nanoheterogeneity in Protic and Aprotic Alkylimidazolium Bistriflimide Ionic Liquids // Liquids. — 2024. — V.4. — P.632-646.
73. Galukhin, A. Isoconversional approach to quantitative assessment of reactivity under non-isothermal conditions / A. Galukhin // Thermochimica Acta. – 2024. – V. 737. – P. 179766.
74. Galukhin, A. Kinetics and Reactivity of Cyanate Esters in [2+2+2] Cyclotrimerization as Studied by Thermal Analysis / A. Galukhin, I. Nikolaev, A. Kachmarzhik, R. Nosov, S. Vyazovkin // Thermochimica Acta -
102. Mikhail N. Khrizanforov, Farida F. Nailieva, Kamil A. Ivshin, Almaz A. Zagidullin, Anastasiia P. Samorodnova, Polina V. Milyukova, Ruslan P. Shekurov, Alexander S. Novikov, Vasily A. Miluykov / Ugi's amine based coordination polymers as a synergistic catalysts for electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide // Dalton Transactions
103. Rahman, Md Atiqur; Zairov, Rustem; Akylbekov, Nurgali; Zhapparbergenov, Rakhmetulla; Hasnain, Syed Mohammad Mozammil / Pioneering Heat Transfer Enhancements in Latent Thermal Energy Storage: Passive and Active Strategies Unveiled // Heliyon
104. Sujit Kumar, Asim Ahmad, Kashif Irshad, Om Prakash, Rukaiya Kausher, Shatrudhan Pandey, Anipa Tapalova, Nurgali Akylbekov, Rustem Zairov / SOlar stills: a review for water scarcity solutions // Heliyon
105. Olga Bochkova, Alexey Stepanov, Anastasiya Bebyakina, Daniil Smekalov, Kirill Kholin, Irek Nizameev, Alexander Romashchenko, Evgenii Zavjalov, Anna Lubina, Alexandra Voloshina, Oksana Tyapkina, Maxim Tarasov, Timur Sultanov, Mark Rümmeli, Vadim Salnikov, Yulia Budnikova, Asiya Mustafina / Factors controlling the organ-specific T1 contrast effect of silica nanoparticles co-doped with both Mn2+ ions and oleate-coated iron oxides // Journal of Alloys and Compounds
106. Sujit Kumar, Shruti R Gunaga, G Manikanta, T. Sathish, S M Mozammil Hasnain, Rustem Zairov / Revolution in Electric Mobility: Removing Obstacles to EV Adoption Using Predictive Analysis // Transportation Engineering
107. Olesya Yu. Trofimova, Irina V. Ershova, Arina V. Maleeva, Anton V. Cherkasov, Mikhail N. Khrizanforov, Konstantin A. Kovalenko, Artem S. Bogomyakov & Alexandr V. Piskunov / Synthesis and Properties of Manganese(II) and Nickel(II) 1-D Coordination Polymers Based on 2,5-di-hydroxy-3,6-di-tert-butyl-para-quinone // Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials
108. Gavrilova, T.; Deeva, Y.; Uporova, A.; Chupakhina, T.; Yatsyk, I.; Rogov, A.; Cherosov, M.; Batulin, R.; Khrizanforov, M.; Khantimerov, S. Li3V2(PO4)3 Cathode Material: Synthesis Method, High Lithium Diffusion Coefficient and Magnetic Inhomogeneity. IJMS 2024, 25, 2884.
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137.Akhmetshin, S.R., Arslanov, D.R., Larionov, R.A., Ziganshina, S.A., Gorbatchuk, V.V., Ziganshin, M.A. Smart Behavior of Leucyl-Leucine Dipeptide: Recognition of Organic Guests and Tunable Thermal Stability. // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. — 2024. — V.94(8). — P.2142-2151.
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