
Here is the step-by-step instruction on how to apply to our Institute.
Step 1. Choose the programme
It is important to choose the right programme that would match your interests. Here you can find all the programmes available for 2020/21 academic year.
To be accepted to KFU you need to pass entrance exams. Here you can find exams, which you need to take for each programme. There are a certain number of programmes that were selected as the most popular among international students. Thus, we have simplified the admission for students who are applying for these programmes on a fee-paying basis, with only 2 exams that are needed to be taken. Students applying for budgetary places have to take all 3 exams. Please note that budgetary places (tuition-free) are available only for CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) students.
Step 2. Apply for the programme
If you already have all necessary documents to apply (first of all, you already have a (school) diploma to apply for a university level degree), you can now send your applications via the online application form till June 19. Starting from June 20, applications are accepted through the platform “Буду студентом!” For those applicants, who use the online application form, a personal account will be created later at “Буду студентом!” You will be provided with a username and a password to enter your personal account.
We strongly request students, who continue their studies at the next level at KFU (e.g. from KFU undergraduate to KFU Master's programme or from KFU Master's to KFU candidate degree), to apply via the online application form as soon as possible (preferably before June 1). This is due to the extension of your visa. Instructions for filling in the application are here.
For those, who will apply after June 20 via “Буду студентом!”, the option for self-registry will be provided. You will need to register, upload necessary documents, and apply for an invitation and for taking entrance exams. Instructions for filling in the application at “Буду студентом!” are here. Applications will be accepted in June-August 2020.
You can also tick the box in your application form for a room in the university halls. Traditionally international first-year students live in Universiade Village, which is considered to be one of the best university halls of the Russian Federation.
Step 3. Pass exams
This year all exams will be held online. The system for taking exams remotely was successfully tested last year. You will be able to access it after filling in your application, providing necessary documents and in accordance with the schedule for entrance examinations. Exams will be held in several waves. From June 22 to July 4, graduates of Preparatory school of KFU and those who already have all the documents ready will be able to take exams. Further, exams will be held as applications are received and groups are formed until September-October 2020. Schedule will be published here.
Step 4. Sign contract and pay tuition
If you successfully pass the online entrance exams, the admission officers will send you the Contract within 5 days after the results are published.
More information on payment procedure can be found here.
Step 5. Get a visa (you can skip this step if you are going to study online at KFU)
Please note, that citizens of some countries have to apply for a student visa to come to study to the Russian Federation. To get this information you can contact the Russian Embassy in your country or passport and visa support department in KFU - phone: +7 (843) 233-7690, email:
Russian student visa is usually granted for 3 months to enter the country (and later extended via the international office of the university). In order to live and study on the territory of the Russian Federation, you will have to apply for a long-term student visa. More information on visas can be found here.
Please note that all international students (including those from visa-free countries) must register at the Internal Office of KFU within 3 days after the arrival in the Russian Federation.
Address: Kazan, 18 Kremlyovskaya St, offices 216, 217.
Telephone: +7(843) 233 76 90; +7(843) 233 76 25
Step 6. Take a test for COVID 19 (only for students who are planning to arrive to Russia)
All international students must take a test for COVID-19 no earlier than 3 days before coming to Russia. After arrival students will have to self-isolate for 14 days in their flats or rooms in the student dormitory. Students will be allowed to attend classes only after 14 days of self-isolation and a second test for COVID-19 on the 10-12th day of self-isolation.
Step 7. Start your studies at KFU
For students arriving in the Russian Federation a mandatory requirement is compliance with 14 days of self-isolation and taking a second test for COVID-19. Only if the result is negative students will be allowed to attend classes in the Institute. During the period of self-isolation students start their classes remotely according to the timetable.
International students, who have been in the Russian Federation since the start of the pandemic COVID-19, can start their classes offline according to the timetable.
International students outside the Russian Federation start their studies remotely, according to the timetable, until they are allowed to arrive to Russia. Then students will have to self-isolate and take a test for COVID-19. Only after that students are allowed to attend classes in the Institute.
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