Department of Preschool and Primary Education

About department
Department of Preschool and Elementary Education began its work since establishing the faculty of pedagogics in Kazan state pedagogical university in 2002. From then on, department underwent several serious reorganizations and nowadays it has become structural subdivision at the Institute of psychology and education in Kazan (Volga region) federal university.
Department does complex work in training elementary school teachers: psychological, pedagogical, methodic, philological, mathematical, and informational. Peculiarities of students' theoretical and practical training are dictated by universality of elementary school teacher profession.
Head of department –doctor of pedagogy, professor Zakirova Venera Gilmhanovna.
In department personnel, there are 22 pedagogues. 17 pedagogues have academic degree: 3 are doctors of pedagogy, 12 are candidates of pedagogy, 1 is candidate of philology and 1 is candidate of psychology. 11 pedagogues have status of docent. 3 pedagogues are senior lecturers and 3 are assistants.
Scientific intention is to train competent elementary school teacher in conditions of informational environment ranged by modern education.
Department does the following educational programs:
on the basis of secondary (complete) general education: 050100 – “Pedagogical education”, profile “Elementary education and the English language”, period of training – 5 years (Bachelor degree, full time courses);
on the basis of secondary vocational education (in accordance with short term courses): 050400 – “Psychological and pedagogical education”, profile “Psychology and pedagogy of elementary education”, period of training – 4 years (Bachelor degree, correspondence courses);
on the basis of higher education: 44.04.01 – “Pedagogical education,” profile: “Elementary education management”, period of training – 3 years (Magistracy, correspondence courses).
Every year more than 60% of graduates start their professional work in schools of Kazan city and of Tatarstan Republic. Graduates successfully work in higher education institutions, municipal and district branches of education, institutions of additional education and infant schools.
Graduates of the department are the winners of republican grant “Our new teacher”, professional contests “The best young teacher of year”, “The best teacher of Kazan city”, “The best teacher of Tatarstan Republic”.
“Discovery”-international contest of junior schoolchildren research and creative works.
The purpose of the contest: stimulation of cognitive, creative, experimental research, project, and intellectual activity of junior schoolchildren. Tasks of the contest: increasing the level of junior schoolchildren creative and research activity; developing the interest to fundamental and applied sciences; acquaintance of scientific and pedagogical community with results of junior schoolchildren research and creative activity; interchange with work experience and settling creative contacts between learners and pedagogues of Russian and foreign educational institutions. For participation at the contest, there are received research and creative works of junior schoolchildren. These are works that exceed school program. The contest nominations are: young naturalist; young psychologist; young writer; young specialist of local lore, young mathematician; young artist; young linguist.
“Faces of mastery” –international contest of teaching and methodical works on elementary education.
The contest is yearly held event open for teachers of all general education institutions and students of pedagogical institutions. The contest is intended on realization of the following tasks: -increase in training quality of students – future elementary school teachers; -finding and encouraging talented pedagogues; -integrating advanced pedagogical experience into work of Kazan federal university; -development of continuous pedagogical education system;- promotion of teacher profession prestige; -making digital data bank of methodical works. In contest, there can participate students of senior courses and pedagogues that work in elementary education institutions in Russia and abroad. According to contest results, there are released digest book that has the best materials.
International pedagogical Internet-Olympiad held among students of higher education institutions who train on profile “Elementary education”.
Olympiad is held yearly. Tasks of Olympiad: evolving in students the ability to work in team; revealing professional and cognitive potentiality of students in training and professional activity; development of individual potentiality and creative ability of students.
In Internet-Olympiad, there can participate students of higher education institutions, who learn in 2-4 courses on profile of “Elementary education”. Teams for participation in Internet-Olympiad are formed on voluntary base in accordance with suggestion of students and pedagogues.