Scientific and educational center of practical psychology, ethnopsychology and psychology of intercultural communication

Scientific-educational center of practical psychology, ethnopsychology and psychology of intercultural communication, previously the Training Center, which opened on October 9, 2007. was created for those who want to be a professional in the field of psychology, as well as for those who really want to change their lives for the better and are ready to work on themselves.
In the training of psychological mastery, we derived four blocks of training: personal, general professional, special, and private-professional.
Model training in the REC "Practical Psychology"
Initiation to the profession
All programs are developed and tested by time. There are specialists with at least 15 years experience in the field of counseling, coaching, coaching, as well as psychotherapy, candidates and doctors of science.
More than 400 graduates in 8 years. Over 30% of graduates have opened their own psychological centers, recruitment agencies, consulting rooms, private psychological offices.
The Center is developing a new model of teaching practical psychology, based on the desire to integrate as closely as possible the training and practice, the personal and professional growth of students. Practical training requires a significant restructuring of relations between students and teachers.
We focus on the creation of subject-object relations between them, which leads to a reduction in the distance between the teacher and the student and the establishment of trust relationships. This is due to the fact that the development of practical psychology requires not only knowledge of the methods of influence, but also personal preparation, since the personality of the psychologist is also an integral part of the method and those who carry out these methods.
Currently, REC has activities in three areas:
1. Scientific direction: research projects in the field of practical psychology, ethnopsychology and psychology of intercultural communication.
2. educational direction (training in psychological counseling and group work, advanced training in 8 areas of practical psychology: art therapy, gestalt approach, gender psychology, coaching and business psychology, body-oriented psychology, self-regulation methods, psychoanalysis)
3. Practice-oriented work: individual counseling, group work, psychological research thematic workshops, workshops
Latypova Endzhe Anvarovna
Phone: +7 (843) 292-32-54; 8- 90-53 -18-51-08
Address: 420021, Kazan, ul. M. Mezhlauk, 1. room 402 psychological clinic - room 403; website: http: //; e-mail:
The centre offers consultation and training services designed for different consumers (professional psychologists and psychotherapists as well as those who are interested in practical psychology).
Head of department: | Akhmadullina Anzhela Anvarovna |
Phone: | +7 (843) 292-32-54; 8-905-318-51-08 | |