REC Kazan Methodical Center of Historical and Social Studies Education

The main scientific directions of the REC are:
- history of historical and social science education in the world, in Russia and in the Republic of Tatarstan;
- Questions of teaching history and social studies in high school;
- Theory and practice of teaching history in higher education;
The REC activity is aimed at the implementation of the following tasks:
- the introduction of theoretical (scientific and pedagogical) developments in the practice of teaching in high school and in high school;
- methodological support of the activities of history and social studies teachers;
- attracting students to scientific and pedagogical research on history and social studies;
The REC has the following functions:
- conducting research in the areas of REC activity;
- promoting the testing and implementation of research results in the practice of institutions of secondary and higher education;
- attraction of students to research activities;
- assistance in the development of educational programs of higher education, educational programs of additional professional education in the field of history and social studies, as well as educational programs of secondary schools;
- participation in the implementation of educational programs through the transfer of research and development results in the educational process;
- creation of electronic materials and distance learning courses for teachers of history and social studies, as well as students on the basis of various electronic platforms (MOODLE);
-assisting in improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical personnel;
- development and publication of teaching aids for students, teachers of history and social studies, methodologists of higher educational institutions;
- assistance in conducting seminars and round tables with the participation of representatives of the scientific and pedagogical community, the administration of educational institutions and representatives of government bodies;
- conducting educational and methodological activities for students;
- development of the concept of development of pedagogical (historical and social science) education in Institute of International Relations KFU;
- Assistance in the provision of scientific and methodological, consulting, expert and other types of services provided by KFU, in accordance with the main scientific directions and objectives of the REC;
- strengthening the connection of KFU with Russian and foreign scientific and educational organizations in the framework of the development of historical and social science education.