This scientific educational event drew attention of a great number of residents of Elabuga of all ages.
"Nights of science" pass in the institute the third year and each time gain more and more popularity among residents of Elabuga: here they tell about science clearly, visually and interestingly.
This evening all 23 interactive platforms of higher educational institution were populous: kids with their parents cooked real soap, drew the 3D handle, participated in interesting quizzes on history and numismatics, assembled the Rubik's Cube, learned to program robots. School students and students, passed archaeological quest, tried on judicial cloaks, studied bases of survival in the wood, solved interesting problems on mathematics, collected a human skeleton bone by bone, watched wild predatory birds worldwide online.
All generations' great interest was attracted by a master class in Chinese where they learned to speak and write in the language of Celestial Empire as well as the Factory of Dreams platform where any could try himself as a TV host or an actor.