It is well known that the amount of available unstructured data is growing rapidly. Companies use this data for different purposes, such as detecting trends or extracting valuable pieces of information. However, very few of them have sufficient expertise in the area of “big data” analytics. The main challenge here is to focus research and development activity on applications which are valuable to industry.
KFU has been involved in the field of text development for over 20 years, and successfully collaborated in with corporations such as Microsoft and ABBYY. An analysis of global publication activity shows us that over the last 10 years, the number of publications in this area has risen from 2000 a year to 16,000.
Our key partners abroad include the Max Planck Center in Leipzig and the Czech Technical University in Prague. Google is planning to use the results of the research.
The “Intelligent Search Systems and Semantic Technologies” laboratory at KFU has substantial experience in the following research fields:
Key projects: