2021, Kayumov Z, Tumakov D, Markina A., Application of Neural Networks to Simulate a Monopole Microstrip Four-Tooth-Shaped Antenna//Communications in Computer and Information Science. - 2021. - Vol.1368, Is.. - P.106-119.
2021, Z. Kayumov, D. Tumakov, S. Mosin, Recognition of handwritten digits based on images spectrum decomposition, Proc. of 23th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing and its Applications, 2021, No. 21141502.
2022, Tumakov D, Kayumov Z, Zhumaniezov A, Elimination of Defects in Mammograms Caused by a Malfunction of the Device Matrix//Journal of Imaging. - 2022. - Vol.8, Is.5. - Art. №128.