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2019, Kharlyamov D.A., Albutova D.A., Gafiyatova, Mavrin G.V., Scherbinin N./ Adsorption of Heavy Metals Ions and Oil Products by Magnetic Composite Based jn Waste of Wood Fiber// J.Comput. Theor. Nanosci. - 2019. - T16. - C.195-199.
2017, Kharlyamov D.A., Mavrin G.V., Shaikhiev I.G., Denisova T.R., Albutova D.A., Gafiyatova S.R./ Preparation and application of a magnetic composite sorbent for collecting oil from a water surface// ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. - 2017. - Vol.12. - N5. - P.1642-1648.
2017, Kharliamov D.A., Albutova D.A., Gafiiatova S.R., Mavrin G.V./ The post-treatment of galvanic wastewater from chromium (VI), cooper (II) and nickel (II) ions using magnetic composite materials// Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. - 2017. - N1S(9). - P. 1811-1819.