2018, Frolova L., Nigmatullin N., Nazarova L., Kadirov A., The current state of zooplankton in remote cold lakes of the Pechora delta (Russia) // 18 th International multidisciplinary scientific Geoconference SGEM, Albena (Bulgaria), 2018. - Vol.18/issue 5/1, P. 901-907
2018, Frolova L., Nigmatullin N., Frolova A., Paleolimnological studies of tundra lakes in the Pechora delta (Nenets Autonomous Region, Rassia) // 18 th International multidisciplinary scientific Geoconference SGEM, Albena (Bulgaria), 2018. - Vol.18/issue 5/1, P. 621-627
2018, Frolova L., Nigmatullin N., First record of Phreatalona protzi (Hartwig, 1900) (Cladocera, Chydoridae) in Pechora delta, Nenets Autonomous Region, Russia // Paleolimnology of Northern Eurasia: Experience, methodology, current status and Young scientists school in microscopy skills in paleolimnology, Kazan (Russia), 2018. - P. 30-31
2018, Frolova L., Nigmatullin N., Gareev B., Frolova A., Changes in Cladoceran assemblages from a small arctic lake (Nenets Autonomous Region, Russia) // Paleolimnology of Northern Eurasia: Experience, methodology, current status and Young scientists school in microscopy skills in paleolimnology, Kazan (Russia), 2018. - P. 32-33