27.03.2013, certificate of participation in the competition recitation of works of foreign poets and singers in a foreign language for students of non-language faculties
24.05.2013, certificate of completion of training school student activists - 2012-2013 year
31.05.2013, certificate of participation in the International scientific and practical conference
20.01.2014, certificate of participation VI International Student e-Science Conference
20.01.2014, Diploma for the best scientific work "The development of memory in students in the study of foreign languages", presented at the VI International Student Scientific Conference "Student Scientific Forum 2014"
27.03.2014, Diploma for the 3rd place in the competition recitations of works of foreign poets and singers in a foreign language among students language specialties
31.03.2014, certificate of participation for their participation in the scientific seminar "The phenomenon of jealousy" Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy
16.04.2014, certificate of participation in the final scientific and educational conference for students KFU
16.04.2014, Diploma for 1st place in the "Features of studying foreign languages" in the final educational - scientific conference Elabuzhsky Institute of Kazan (Volga) Federal University
16.04.2014, Diploma for the 3rd place in the section "Developmental Psychology" final educational - scientific conference EI KFU
20.01.2015, Diploma for the best scientific work "The development of memory in students in the study of foreign languages", presented at the VII International Student Scientific Conference "Student Scientific Forum 2015"
17.04.2015, The letter of thanks for their active participation in the research activities of the students of the Institute of Elabuga Kazan (Volga) Federal University and contribute to building its intellectual potential
28.05.2015, Diploma for the 3rd place for the participation of "Parenting Fair" Yelabuga Institute Kazanstkogo Federal University
28.05.2015, Help for participation in the "Parenting Fair" with the presentation of author educational programs for younger students
08.09.2015, certificate for participation in the Olympiad Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy
23.11.2015, Diploma Persona "Hard Skills" 2 degrees for the victory in the "Olympics of professional competencies of teacher-psychologist"
18.02.2016, Certificate of participation in international student scientific practical conference "Development of effective tools of modern science. Youth Reading "
28.02.2016, Diploma of the 2nd degree for participation in the International Olympiad on psychology and pedagogy
24.03.2016, Diploma of the 2nd degree for participation in the student research competition "Viewpoint: Adultery or infidelity"
31.03.2016, 1.Sertifikat party 2.Diplom for the best scientific work 3.Diplom for active participation in the forum in the VIII International Student e-science conference "Student scientific forum
20.04.2016, Certificate of participation in student scientific and practical conference on psychology in the section "Features of students of psychology"
22.04.2016, Diploma 3 degree of participation in the competition for the best scientific article in the "Psycho-pedagogical science"