Master degree program of Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry KFU
04.04.01 Chemistry
Physicochemical methods of analysis in chemistry
Profile: “Physico-chemical methods of analysis in chemistry.”
The qualification: Master
Language: Russian
Duration of education: two years
Cost of education: 2800$ (the first year), 5600$ (the full cost of education)
Supervisor: Solomonov Boris Nikolaevich, Tel.: +7 927 249 55 30, E-mail:
Contact person: Vereshchagina Yana Alexandrovna, Tel.: +7 917 399 48 80, E-mail:
Program description:
Physico-chemical and physical methods of the investigation of chemical compounds provide information on the physical properties of molecules and compounds, the reactivities and reaction mechanisms. Magister program is developed to train skilled professionals by providing fundamental knowledge on modern physicochemical and physical methods of the investigation and hands-on experience with modern analytical equipment used in the various fields of chemistry, biology, medicine, petrochemistry, and geology.
Main courses:
Program advantages
Career prospects
Graduates can apply for researcher positions in the scientific laboratories of the universities and institutes in Russia and abroad, in the research centers and laboratories in state-owned and private companies in the fields of chemistry, biology, medicine, petrochemistry, geology.
Successful graduates may continue education as PhD students.