Nasyrov Ildar Rustambekovich. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Nasyrov Ildar Rustambekovich
Field of Science
Scientific interests 
International and foreign economic cooperation of regions, problems of regional development, activities of government bodies, information and analytical support for government structures, digital transformation of public administration and services.
Work address: 1/55 Pushkina Str., Kazan, Building #36
Office number: 217а
Phone: +8 843 2922090
Fax: +8 843 2922090
Google scholar:
 1 years 3 months   from 14.02.2022
 13 years 1 months   from 01.11.1982
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 13 years 1 months   from 01.11.1982
General experience:
 41 years 8 months   from 01.11.1982
Experience in KFU:
 1 years 8 months   from 21.10.2022