Mariko Mohamed Lamine Lamine. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Mariko Mohamed Lamine Lamine
Field of Science
Scientific interests 
Discourse analysis, cognitive psychology, English literature, syntax, phonology. Academic writing, language teaching, foreign language Learning, second language acquisition, teaching English as a foreign language, translation, intercultural communication, corpus linguistics, stylistics, intercultural communication, French language teaching, lexicography
 4 years 5 months   from 23.01.2020
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 4 years 5 months   from 23.01.2020
General experience:
 4 years 5 months   from 23.01.2020
Experience in KFU:
 4 years 5 months   from 23.01.2020