Al-Muntaser Ameen Ahmed . Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Al-Muntaser Ameen Ahmed
Scientific interests 
Enhanced oil recovery, oil and gas chemistry, oil field chemistry, petrochemistry, heavy oil upgrading, steam Injection, hydrothermal conversion of oil shale, catalytic oil upgrading, heavy oil refining, chemical engineering, pyrolysis, hydrothermal treatment of unconventional resources in supercritical water, hydrocarbons, chemical production, fuel technology, production of petroleum products, certain processes of refining of petroleum and petroleum products, catalysts, heterogeneous catalysts, homogeneous catalysts, oxidation, chemical flooding, gas chromatography.
Work address: 1/29 Lobachevskogo Str., Kazan, Building #16 (Faculty of Chemistry)
Office number: 604
Google scholar:
 7 years 8 months   from 20.10.2016
 3 years 9 months   from 01.09.2020
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 7 years 4 months   from 01.02.2017
General experience:
 7 years 8 months   from 20.10.2016
Experience in KFU:
 7 years 8 months   from 20.10.2016