Solovieva Svetlana Evgenevna. Преподаваемые дисциплины. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Solovieva Svetlana Evgenevna
Discipline Curriculum Authors File
Б1.О.01.13. Культурология  44.03.03 Special Education (Defectology), Bachelor's Degree (Специальная психология) 2019 y. Soloveva S.E.
Б1.О.01.13. Культурология  44.03.03 Special Education (Defectology), Bachelor's Degree (Speech Therapy) 2019 y. Soloveva S.E.
Work address: 1/29 Lobachevskogo Str., Kazan, Building #16 (Faculty of Chemistry)
Office number: 209
Google scholar:
 9 years 11 months   from 21.07.2014
 5 years 9 months   from 01.09.2016
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 43 years 8 months   from 17.11.1980
General experience:
 43 years 8 months   from 17.11.1980
Experience in KFU:
 9 years 11 months   from 21.07.2014