Short description of important scientific result: 1. Vyazov L.A., Gismatulin M.R., Petrova D.A., Salova Yu.A., Semykin Yu.A., Serykh D.V. Research in the Ulyanovsk Predvolzhie in 2010?13. // Archaeological discoveries of 2010-2013. M., 2015.S. 471-473. ISBN 978-5-94375-172-1
2. Chizhevsky A.A., Khisyametdinova A.A., Vyazov L.A., Salova Yu.A. Research of the rampart of the Balymersky settlement "Sholom" in 2014 // Povolzhskaya Archeology. 2017. No. 2 (20). S. 108-126. ISSN 2306-4099
3. Istomin K.E., Vyazov L.A., Salova Yu.A. Research of Novokiremetsky II settlement // Archaeological discoveries digging. 2017. M., 2015.S. 324-326.
4. Vyazov L.A., Myasnikov NS, Petrova D.A., Mikhailov E.P., Myasnikova A.B., Makarova E.M., Salova Yu.A., Silanov R.A. Research of archaeological monuments of the Middle Posurye of the era of Roman influences and the Great Migration of Nations (works of 2018) // Bulletin of the Chuvash University. 2018. No. 4.P. 46-55. ISSN 1810-1909
5. Salova Yu.A., Sivitsky M.V., Vyazov L.A. Exploration work on the territory