Конференция II all-Russian post-graduate student scientific-practical conference "Man in the modern socio-philosophical concepts" (in absentia)
23.11.2018 - 24.11.2018
National research and practice conference All-Russian postgraduate and student's scientific and practical conference "The Person in Modern Social and Philosophical Concepts"
KFU Yelabuga institute Yelabuga
26.11.2015 - 27.11.2015
National research and practice conference All-Russian scientific and practical conference "The Person in Modern Social and Philosophical Concepts"
Yelabuga KFU Yelabuga institute
24.10.2014 - 26.10.2014
Название доклада
The questions of the person of themselves shown them to philosophy are considered
University research and practice conference Total scientific conference of the Kazan federal university for 2012
Yelabuga KFU Yelabuga institute
28.01.2013 -
Название доклада
The person economic in modern Russian society
International academic conference Всероссийская научная конференция Многомерность и целостность человека в философии, науке и религии
Kazan KFU
20.04.2012 - 20.04.2012
Название доклада
Multidimensionality of the person in modern philosophical anthropology
Work address:
89 Kazanskaya Str., Yelabuga, Yelabuga Institute Main building