Career Guidance for parents of pupils eleven classes
Yelabuga MBEI school № 3
12.03.2015 - 12.03.2015
National research and practice conference All-Russian scientific-practical conference of pupils "Biological science: Past, Present and Future"; as a member of the jury in the section "Ecology of human settlements"
Elabuga K (R) FU
28.02.2014 - 28.02.2014
research and practice conference VIII Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Our Heritage" based on MBOU "Gymnasium № 4" Yelabuga municipal district RT LEU "Scrabble"; as a member of the jury in the section "Biology. Ecology"
Elabuga MBEI "Gymnasium № 4"
05.04.2014 - 05.04.2014
research and practice conference IV Volga Youth Research Conference, "I - explorer" on the basis of GAOU DOD "National Center of extracurricular activities"; as chairman of the expert committee on the section "Psycho-biological" (biology)
Nizhnekamsk MBEI DOD "DVR"
25.04.2014 - 25.04.2014
research and practice conference Republican scientific-practical conference on the environment for pupils' Ecology, the city and we are "on the basis of Sfax" Gymnasium № 77 "Naberezhnye Chelny; as a member of the jury
Naberezhnye Chelny MBEI DOD "CEBC № 4"
31.10.2014 - 31.10.2014
Regional research and practice conference Regional scientific-practical conference of pupils' horizons of search and achievements "; as a jury member in the "Biology"
Zainsk, ISU "Department of Education"
22.11.2014 - 22.11.2014
International research and practice conference International scientific-practical conference "Fundamental and applied science today"
Moscow OONR NIC "Academic"
25.07.2013 - 26.07.2013
Participation in the work of the Commission to assess the research work in the republican scientific-practical conference of pupils "Ecology, the city and we are" on the basis of children's environmental and biological center number 4
Naberezhnye Chelny MBEI DOD "CEBC № 4"
24.10.2013 - 24.10.2013