Serov Nikita Yurievich. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Serov Nikita Yurievich
Field of Science
Scientific interests 
Robotic synthesis. Quantum chemical calculations. Chemical kinetics and reaction mechanisms. Flow syntheses. Syntheses in ionic liquids. Growing crystals of coordination compounds. Structure of coordination compounds. Studies of thermodynamics and stereoselectivity of complex formation of biometals with bioligands.
 3 years 5 months   from 01.12.2019
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 4 years 4 months   from 01.03.2016
General experience:
 12 years 9 months   from 11.02.2011
Experience in KFU:
 6 years 7 months   from 01.12.2017