Batulin Ruslan Germanovich. Преподаваемые дисциплины. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Batulin Ruslan Germanovich
Discipline Curriculum Authors File
Б1.О.07. Физика  05.03.01 Geology, Bachelor's Degree (Geological Engineering and Hydrogeology) 2024 y. Batulin R.G.
Б1.О.07. Физика  05.03.01 Geology, Bachelor's Degree (Geological Engineering and Hydrogeology) 2024 y. Batulin R.G.
Work address: 16a Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, Building #12 (Faculty of Physics)
Office number: 027
Phone: +7 (843) 233-70-79
Google scholar:
 9 years 11 months   from 20.11.2013
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 9 years 11 months   from 20.11.2013
General experience:
 12 years 7 months   from 08.11.2010
Experience in KFU:
 13 years 8 months   from 08.11.2010