Zakirova Luiza Rifgatovna. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Zakirova Luiza Rifgatovna
Field of Science
Scientific interests 
Areas of scientific interests: comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics general problems of methodology of the English language teaching innovative technologies of foreign language teaching in high school authentic technologies in teaching the English language intercultural communication media linguistics progressive educational standards of the XXI century
Work address: 3/45 M. Mezhlauk Str., Kazan, Building №31
Office number: 213
Phone: 2213424
Google scholar:
 22 years 10 months   from 01.09.2001
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 22 years 10 months   from 01.09.2001
General experience:
 22 years 10 months   from 01.09.2001
Experience in KFU:
 22 years 10 months   from 01.09.2001