Almazova Leila Ildusovna. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Almazova Leila Ildusovna
Field of Science
Scientific interests 

My PhD dissertation was devoted to the study of Tatar Islamic philosophical trends in the early 20th century. The Volga – Ural Tatars became a part of Russian Empire in 1552. Ever since 16 century, the Russian State has led dubious policies towards indigenous population – from oppression and brutal Christianization to religious tolerance and control. The eve of the 20th century became a time of resurgence in the region. The Russian Muslim community, perhaps for the first time in imperial history, received opportunities for effective social, economic and intellectual development. In my dissertation I explored the new ideology of Tatar Islamic community. In 2003, on the basis of my dissertation, I published a book titled: “The Problem of a Man in Tatar Philosophical Thought (Eve of the 20th Century).” In 2004 I received for this book a special Presidential award (indicated in my CV).

            My current interests concentrate around problems of contemporary Muslim communities in non-Islamic societies with the focus on Tatars and Bashkorts (Russian Federation) and Islamic Education.

Work address: 1/55 Pushkina Str., Kazan, Building #36
Office number: 217
Phone: 2922090
Google scholar:
 6 years 6 months   from 12.09.2005
 14 years 5 months   from 28.08.2001
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 18 years 7 months   from 28.08.2001
General experience:
 32 years 9 months   from 01.09.1991
Experience in KFU:
 9 years 4 months   from 01.04.2012