Tatarinov Dmitry Anatolievich. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Tatarinov Dmitry Anatolievich
Field of Science
Scientific interests 
Organic chemistry, organophosphorus chemistry, synthesis methods and chemical transformation of phosphonates, phosphine oxides and phosphonium salts
Work address: 1/29 Lobachevskogo Str., Kazan, Building #16 (Faculty of Chemistry)
Office number: 218
 16 years 4 months   from 01.03.2008
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 16 years 4 months   from 01.03.2008
General experience:
 16 years 4 months   from 01.03.2008
Experience in KFU:
 16 years 4 months   from 01.03.2008