International scientific conference The 18th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids
Fuzhou CAS
04.08.2013 - 09.08.2013
International scientific conference XV International Feofilov Symposium on Spectroscopy of Crystals Doped with Rare Earth and Transition Metal Ions
Kazan KFU
16.09.2013 - 20.09.2013
International scientific conference The 16th International Conference on Luminescence & Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter
Ann Arbor University of Michigan
27.06.2011 - 01.07.2011
International scientific conference XIV International Feofilov Symposium on Spectroscopy of Crystals Doped with Rare Earth and Transition Metal lons
St. Petersburg
18.10.2010 - 21.10.2010
Название доклада
ESA and activator ions photoionization spectra investigations of Ce:YLF and Ce:LiLuF+ single crvstals
Work address:
18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, Building #01 (Main building)