Short description of important scientific result: 1. Anthology of education Kazan sociology, 2004-200s. coauthors Erofeyev, Modestov 2. The certificate of honor for the best printing KGU-2006 edition for the book "Sots Iologiya Obrazovaniya:zarubezhny Paradigms and Theories" - Kazan, 2006-200s. 3. The diploma of the winner for the book "Sotsalny Inequality in System Obrazovaniya:rosiysky and Foreign Theories" - Kazan, 2008. - 200 pages. Hannanov D. H. coauthor. 4. The diploma of the winner for an educational and methodical grant "Education sociology" - Kazan, 2010. - 100s.5. The publication in the German edition of the monograph "Sociology obrazovaniya:zarubezhny paradigms and theories" - Germany, Lambert, 2012, 251 pages 6.diplom of the winner for the collective monograph Modern Russian to an obrazovaniyaa: problems and prospects of development. - Kazan, 2012. - 348 pages - the collective monograph under. edition of Fursova V. V. 7. The joint monograph with institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Side of Russian ed