Salikhova Nailya Rustamovna. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Salikhova Nailya Rustamovna
Field of Science
Scientific interests 
Psychology of personality, value-meaning sphere of a personality, personal values, adulthood, life style, life regulation, turning point of life, the living space of the individual, psychological time, crises
 29 years 3 months   from 01.10.1990
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 35 years 11 months   from 01.11.1986
General experience:
 36 years 1 months   from 06.09.1984
Experience in KFU:
 35 years 5 months   from 13.01.1989