Popov Leonid Mihajlovich. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Popov Leonid Mihajlovich
Scientific interests 
  1. Psychological model of involvement of subjects of educational activity based on neural network analysis in the digital educational environment
  2. Neural network psychometric model of cognitive behavioral predictors of a person's life activity based on social networks
  3. Psychology of development and self-development of innovative potential of subjects of educational activity
  4. Psychology of personality
Work address: 1 M. Mezhlauk Str., Kazan, Building #25
Office number: 315
Phone: 2213470
E-mail: leonid.popov@inbox.ru
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=Q0vC-jAAAAAJ&hl=ru
Google+: https://plus.google.com/100988063010181988291
 51 years 7 months   from 01.09.1972
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 51 years 7 months   from 01.09.1972
General experience:
 58 years   from 07.07.1961
Experience in KFU:
 53 years 11 months   from 15.08.1970