International research and practice conference Socially oriented projecting of the system for creating civil identity in students against policultural educational background
Kazan Academy of Social Education
28.02.2018 - 28.02.2018
Название доклада
The report looks at Spanish educational system. It focuses on the evolution of Spanish education and the importance of religious aspect in the process.
International scientific round table International round table "Piskorsky and development of general hitory as a science"
Kazan KFU
16.03.2018 - 17.03.2018
Название доклада
The report addresses the person of Carlos V, the Gabsburg and his place in Spanish history as is seen by historians of the turn of the centuries XIX and XX
International research and practice conference IX International conference: Foraign Languages in the Contemporary World
Kazan KFU
22.06.2016 - 23.06.2016
Название доклада
The article looks at the historiography of studying Spanish philosophy by Russian and Iberian scholars. It outlines various interpretations of the problem provided by the most prominent specialists in Spanish history and thought. In order to approach the issue various theories are carefully describe
International research and practice conference VII International conference: Foreign Langages in the Contemporary World
Kazan KFU
24.06.2015 - 10.08.2015
Название доклада
Spanish Renaissance hero and his image in the contemporary Russian historiography
This article considers the image of Spanish Renaissance hero in contemporary Russian historiography. This theme is followed from the studies dedicated to the concept of hero as a cultural phenomenon, and then gradually turns to the works, treating the specific image typical for the Spanish Renaissan
International research and practice conference VII International conference: Foreign Languages in the Contemporary World
Kazan KFU
26.06.2014 - 27.06.2014
Название доклада
Russian and Spanish scholarship on Spain and Spanish national character
The author of the article refers to different interpretations of Spanish history and Spanish national character. Comparing the works of José Ortega i Gasset, Américo Castro, Claudio Sánchez Albornoz and those of V.P. Botquin, A.V. Druzhinin, N.G. Chernyshevsky we can follow the extrao
International scientific conference International Conference: University Corporation: Memory, Identity, Consolidation Practices
Kazan KFU
27.11.2014 - 29.11.2014
Название доклада
Attempts to modernize Spanish University during the cultural crisis in Europe at the turn of the XIXth century