The authors consider the technology for monitoring of shallow super-viscous oil (SVO) deposit development process aimed to determine the heated zones distribution corresponding to the drainage areas to enhance the efficiency of development process based on steam injection. The main objective of the
International research and practice conference SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference and Exhibition, 24-26 October, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Society of Petroleum Engineers
24.10.2016 - 26.10.2016
Название доклада
Technology of Integrated Monitoring of Steam Chamber Evolution During the Oil Production from the Shallow Deposits of Super-Viscous Oil.
Currently the super-viscous oil deposits are under active development in the Republic of Tatarstan. The general method of production is Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD). The problem of creation the complex of methods to monitor and control the reservoir processes caused by steam injection is o
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4/5 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, Building 13A (Geology, unit A)