Arslanov Kamil Maratovich. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Arslanov Kamil Maratovich
Field of Science
Scientific interests 
Civil law / business law: responsibility, contracts, torts; corporate law. International private law. Comparative law. German law. Convergency of German (European) and Russian legal experience in the field of Civil Law.
Work address: 18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, Building #01 (Main building)
Office number: Каб. 236: Кафедра гражданского права
Phone: +7 843 2337136
 26 years 10 months   from 01.09.1997
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 26 years 10 months   from 01.09.1997
General experience:
 26 years 10 months   from 01.09.1997
Experience in KFU:
 26 years 10 months   from 01.09.1997