On April 20, 2021 the Bauman Moscow State Technical University hosted the International research and practice conference dedicated to the memory of academician E. Popov.
A Head of the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems (LIRS) of the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) (KFU) Professor Evgeni Magid took part in the conference and made a presentation on the following topic:
"Collaborative robotic framework for emergency situations management in areas of flood and landslide disasters".
Areas of the conference activity include collaborative robotics, multi-agent robotic systems and new methods of robot control and navigation. The conference was also attended by the second author of the paper, a postgraduate student of the LIRS Tatyana Tsoy. The paper was prepared jointly with foreign collaborators within the framework of the RFBR project "Information System for Emergency Situations Management in Floods and Landslides with Assistance of Distributed Heterogeneous Group of Robots " (E_Aзия_T).